I’ve been learning R for the better part of a decade and for 7 of those years I’ve been building R packages many of which are open source (free for everyone to use). Here’s a short list of my open source R packages, AND I want you to guess which one I’m covering today. ...
R packagesYou can use open-source packages and frameworks, in addition to Microsoft's enterprise packages. Most common open-source R packages are pre-installed in R Services. The following R packages from Microsoft are also included:Expand table ...
To make it easy to run scMC in most common scRNA-seq data analysis pipelines, scMC is now implemented within Seurat V3 workflow. Please first install Seurat R pacakge (>= 3.2.1) via install.packages('Seurat'). For the standalone implementent of scMC and reproducing results from ...
except for specifying a version of R that your package requires.Importsis the most common field for listing the R packages that your package requires: Packages listed inImportsare installed when your package is installed. When you write functions (see below) in your package, you can use the ...
grandR includes several functions to read data into a common internal data structure, and most of the implemented methods are therefore agnostic how raw data has been preprocessed. The only exceptions are the Bayesian methods described below, as they require the posterior distributions of the ...
integration into R facilitates a seamless downstream analysis for making tables, graphics and statistical computations. Finally, unlike most other compilation web servers and packages, we allow the user to alter the cutoffs for predicted binding strength so that they can obtain the most confident targ...
Having writtena lotof R code over the last few years, I’ve developed a set of constructs for my most common tasks. Like an idiom in a natural language (e.g. “break a leg”), I automatically grasp their meaning without having to think about it. Because they allow me to become more...
# also designed to be perceived by readers with the most common form of color blindness # scale_fill_viridis函数来源于此包, # 其参数 option用于设置颜色 "magma" (or "A"), "inferno" (or "B"), "plasma" (or "C"), and "viridis" (or "D", the default option). ...
Install R packages using devtools Thedevtoolslibrary simplifies package development to expedite common tasks. This library is installed within the default Microsoft Fabric runtime. You can usedevtoolsto specify a specific version of a library to install. These libraries are installed across all nodes ...
It is possible to call the machine learning libraries that are installed for SQL Server from an external application, such as RGui. Doing so might be the most convenient way to accomplish certain tasks, such as installing new packages, or running ad hoc tests on very sho...