dlstats: Download Stats of R Packages A number of polyamidines, N-substituted amidines, and diamidines were prepared for evaluation as bacteriostats. N,N′-Bis-(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)-sebacamidine dihydrochloride was the most active compound prepared in this investigation. GY [Aut 被引量: 0发表...
dlstats: R package download stats ✍️ Authors Guangchuang YUhttps://guangchuangyu.github.io School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University ⏬ Installation Get the released version from CRAN: install.packages("dlstats")
datasetnetwork-analysisrpackage UpdatedMar 23, 2024 R R interface to the meetup.com API apimeetuprapi-wrapperrstatsrladiesrpackager-ladiesrladies-global UpdatedMay 7, 2024 R USCbiostats/slurmR Star60 slurmR: A Lightweight Wrapper for Slurm ...
packageDescription("stats") help(package = "stats") Powered By 2. What are R Repositories? A repository is a place where packages are located so you can install them from it. Although you or your organization might have a local repository, typically, they are online and accessible to every...
This book describes EnvStats, a new comprehensive R package for environmental statistics and the successor to the S-PLUS module EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS (first released in 1997). EnvStats and R provide an open-source set of powerful functions for performing graphical and statistical analyses of...
‘gmm’, ‘gplots’, ‘Rdpack’, ‘miscTools’, ‘RSpectra’, ‘AlgDesign’, ‘zip’, ‘CircStats’, ‘snowfall’, ‘rlecuyer’, ‘CARBayesdata’, ‘matrixcalc’, ‘MCMCpack’, ‘truncnorm’, ‘packcircles’, ‘scatterplot3d’,
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter() ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag() ℹ Use the conflicted package to force all conflicts to become errors 正常的,不用管,只要没有`Error`就没事。
stats4 (Built-in) 4.3.3 tools (Built-in) 4.3.3 utils (Built-in) 4.3.3 R packages that are supported in Power BI (non-Premium and non-Fabric backed workspaces) and Sov. Clouds The following table shows which packages are supported in the Power BI service. Expand table PackageVersionLi...
R 支持包括开源 R,因此可调用基本 R 函数并安装其他开源和第三方包。 R 语言支持多种核心功能,例如 base、stats 和 utils 等 。 R 的基本安装还包括许多示例数据集和标准 R 工具,如RGui(轻量级交互式编辑器)和RTerm(R 命令提示符) 。 若要了解每个 SQL Server 版本包含哪个 R 版本,请参阅Python ...
ggstatsplot是一个功能强大的作图R包,这里使用ggbetweenstats和ggbarstat函数举例做图。通过安装ggstatsplot包然后使用帮助文档学习怎么使用R包。 代码语言:r 复制 if(!require(ggstatsplot))install.packages("ggstatsplot")library(ggstatsplot)#尝试装ggstatsplot的包,学习使用它colnames(iris)ggbetweenstats(iris,...