form [ fm] [ fm ] service [svis] ['svis] (3) 英音中只有在far away, for ever等连读情况下,字母r才明显的读作卷舌音[ r ]。 如: far away [f r wei] for ever [f re v] (4) 英音中字母 “r”只有在元音前是才发音。
F Ends Full Port Floating Ball Valve Conform to API 6D, BS5351, and ASME B16.34, They are tested according to API 598, and marked as per MSS SP-25. 1. Construction is as follows: - Full Port or Reduce Port - Split Body - Bolted Bonnet with sp...
return to original st return to ravenhearst return to the ground return to water return undefined return what one takes return-flow catheter return-to-tank fuel l returnround-trip tick return returnable packaging returnable satellite returnbend returncall returncontrol returndifference returned along the...
ring-barked ring-down pulse ring-fencing ring-form spherometer ring-laser gyro ring-loaded contactor ring-loaded overflow ring-loaded safety va ring-of-tencircuit ring-offbutton ring-offlamp ring-oil ring-oilbearing ring-oiled bearing ring-oiled sleeve bea ring-oilingjournalbox ring-o osed pist...
Target strand (TS) binding is facilitated by structural pre-ordering of nucleotides 11–20 of the crRNA (counting from the 5′ end), termed the seed sequence, in an A form-like conformation8,12. Formation of a complete R-loop leads to the activation of the Cas9 HNH and RuvC nuclease ...
INTAC and SOSS form a stable complex SOSS–INTAC targets active chromatin Recognition of ssDNA by SOSS–INTAC SSB1 regulates SOSS–INTAC localization SOSS–INTAC modulates Pol II occupancy R-loops affect SOSS–INTAC localization SOSS–INTAC attenuates R-loop levels SOSS–INTAC regulates ge...
It is distributed in source code form. [1659星][7d] [Java] apache/geode Apache Geode [1655星][6m] [C] easyhook/easyhook The reinvention of Windows API Hooking [1654星][3m] [JS] tylerbrock/mongo-hacker MongoDB Shell Enhancements for Hackers [1647星][3m] [Py] boppreh/keyboard Hook ...
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