(DATA_ROOT, DATA_FOLDER, "raw") dir.create(download_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) if (!file.exists(file.path(download_path, fname))) { r <- GET(file.path(remote_url, fname), timeout(30)) writeBin(content(r, "raw"), file.path(download_path, fname)) } ...
ifelse 0 支持单个的逻辑值,也支持多个逻辑值组成的向量,根据逻辑值向量生成有两个取值的字符型向量 ifelse() + str_detect() samples = c("tumor1","tumor2","tumor3","normal1","normal2","normal3") k1 = str_detect(samples,"tumor");k1 ifelse(k1,"tumor","normal") #这段逻辑不对,会造成...
if(!require(tidyr))install.packages('tidyr') ### (2)有else if返回的逻辑值是true时,执行if的函数结果,返回的逻辑值是false时,执行的是else的函数结果。 代码语言:javascript 复制 i=1if(i>0){print('+')}else{print("-")}i=1ifelse(i>0,"+","-")##[1]"+"x=rnorm(3)xifelse(x>0,...
mutate(keep_under_15 = cumall(demand < 15)) ## 数据库的连接,此处我一知半解,建议后续系统学习一下R语言与外部数据库连接以后学习--- library(pacman) p_load(tidyverse,dbplyr,DBI,RSQLite) ## --- con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:") ## ---...
check_if_variable_exists <- function(x, df, arg = rlang::caller_arg(x), call = rlang::caller_env()){ arg_in_data <- x %in% names(df) if (!arg_in_data) { cli::cli_abort( c("{.arg {arg}} does not exist") ) } } example_checker <- function(x, series = "series", ...
x <- seq_len(nrow(data)) dplyr::mutate(data, col = !!x) If a string is supplied to as_function() instead of an object (function or formula), the function is looked up in the global environment instead of the calling environment. In general, passing a function name as a string ...
For the natural agonist UDP, we found that the retention time on the WT receptor-containing column was higher than for the mutate receptor-containing column, suggesting that the lack of R255 may reduce the affinity for this ligand (unpublished data). In the present paper, we report the ...
*if R exists but is not in PATH, change the reference to "R" in line 27 to be the specific location capture program drop importspss program define importspss set more off local spssfile `1' if "`2'"=="" { local statafile "`spssfile'.dta" } else { local statafile `2' } lo...
Grouping in R selects and applies operations on specific subsets of data in a set (such as columns in a table). Grouping data in R is often done by using thegroup_by()function from the dplyr package, which converts an existing data table into a grouped table where operations are applied...
column_to_rownames() %>% as.matrix() %>% t() %>% cosine() %>% cluster_matrix() %>% tidy_matrix('geom', 'geom2') %>% mutate( geom = factor(geom, levels = unique(geom)), geom2 = factor(geom2, levels = unique(geom2)) ) %>% group_by(geom) %>% ggplot(aes(geom,...