Mean of multiple columns of a dataframe in R column wise mean of the dataframe using mean() function mean of the group in R dataframe using aggregate() and dplyr package Row wise mean of the dataframe in R using mean() function Syntax for mean() function in R: mean(x, na.rm = FALS...
mean(),var(),sd(),skewness()等等。 2. 峰度系数 峰度(kurtosis) 是指数据分布峰值的高低,这一概念由统计学家 K. Pearson 于1905年首次提出。测度一组数据分布峰值高低的统计量是峰度系数(coefficient of kurtosis),记作 K。 根据原始数据计算峰度系数时,通常采用下面的公式: K = \frac{n(n + 1)}{(...
您可以使用c_across()。在c_across()中,您可以使用tidyselect选择,如starts_with(),:,where()等。 这就是:
f1 <- aov(hp ~ time * group + Error(n/(time)), data = df12_11) summary(f1) ## ## Error: n ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## group 1 202.5 202.5 1.574 0.226 ## Residuals 18 2315.4 128.6 ## ## Error: n:time ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## time...
multinom_test(): performs an exact multinomial test. Alternative to the chi-square test of goodness-of-fit-test when the sample size is small. mcnemar_test(): performs McNemar chi-squared test to compare paired proportions. Provides pairwise comparisons between multiple groups. ...
titanic["Age"]=titanic["Age"].fillna(titanic["Age"].mean()) titanic["Embarked"]=titanic["Embarked"].fillna("S") 1. 2. 将数据进行清洗,舍去无关或相关性较低的变量,对有缺失的数据进行填补。前五行如下: #Pclass,Sex为数值型变量,将其转化为类别型,进行哑变量处理 ...
Note that we have calculated thesum of each group. However, it would also be possible to compute other descriptive statistics such as the mean or the variance. Also, note that we have converted our final output from the tibble to the data.frame class. In case you prefer to work with tib...
mean_math = mean(c5r2mtsc_std), std_error = sd(c5r2mtsc_std) / sqrt(n_students)) ## # A tibble: 2 × 4 ## catholic n_students mean_math std_error ## <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 0 4597 0.156 0.0144 ## 2 1 951 0.221 0.0277 ...