dat column_to_rownames(dat,"a")## 将a列作为行名 002、 dat column_to_rownames(dat,"b")## 将b列作为行名
这就是R语言函数columntorownames的用途所在。 1.什么是columntorownames函数? 在R中,columntorownames函数是一个用于将数据框的列名转换为行名的函数。其语法如下: columntorownames(data) 其中,data是一个数据框对象。 2.如何使用columntorownames函数? 首先,我们需要创建一个数据框对象,以便进行示范。假设我们...
可能是其他函数把行id赋给行名了 你在datTraitsh和%>%加一句%>%tibble::remove_rownames()就可以了...
Our example data contains five rows and two columns. Therow namesof our data are ranging from 1 to 5. In the following example, I’ll explain how to convert these row names into a column of our data frame. Let’s jump right into it!
Example 1: Create Data Frame with Values & Column Names from ScratchThis example demonstrates how to make a data frame with column names and values from scratch.To accomplish this task, we can apply the data.frame function as shown below. The column names are specified within the data.frame...
If the solution is theoretically meaningful, we should see differences that make sense. 所以,首先我们就需要把剖面显变量的均值给它从模型中提取出来,代码如下: means <- data.frame(mod1$parameters$mean, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column() %>% rename(Interest = rowname) %>% ...
frame(Shannon,Simpson,observed_species,Chao1,ACE,pielou) %>% rownames_to_column("sample") %>% left_join(.,y,by="sample") return(result) } 导出指数计算结果 代码语言:javascript 复制 alpha_diversity(alpha,group) %>% write.table(file="alpah.xls",sep="\t",quote = F,row.names = F...
we’re going to use the the ChickWeight data frame and replacevalues within an existing dataframecolumn. We want to make it easier to understand by changing column names in R, and getting rid of anu nullvalue issue or missingvalues in a column header. As you may remember, the ChickWeight ...
top =TRUE,# New header goes on top of existing header row values = c("Hospital",# Header values for each column below "Total cases with known outcome", "Recovered",# This will be the top-level header for this and two next columns ...