A. data.frame() B. matrix() C. list() D. vector() 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。本题考查 R 语言中创建数据框的函数。B 选项 matrix()用于创建矩阵;C 选项 list()创建列表;D 选项 vector()创建向量。A 选项 data.frame()用于创建数据框。反馈 收藏 ...
R语言which函数 首先新建数组:> a=c(1,3,4,5,3,2,5,6,3,2,5,6,7,5,8) 函数用途:取数组a中最大值的下标 image 函数用途:取数组a中最小值的下标 image 函数用途:取数组a中大于3值的下标 image 函数用途:取数组a中等于3值的下标 image 转载请注明:正思维 » R语言which函数...
2. 函数function:函数定义 source:调用文件 call:函数调用.C,.Fortran:调用C或者Fortran子程序的动态链接库。Recall:递归调用browser,debug,trace,traceback:程序调试options:指定系统参数 missing:判断虚参是否有对应实参nargs:参数个数 stop:终止函数执行on.exit:指定退出时执行 eval,expression:表达式计算system.time:...
其它与函数有关的还有:delay,delete.response,deparse,do.call,dput,environment ,,formals,http://format.info,interactive, is.finite,is.function,is.language,is.recursive ,match.arg,match.call,match.fun,model.extract,name,parse,substitute,sys.parent ,warning,machine 三、输入输出 cat,print:显示对象 s...
R Language Shapes & Sizer with Remote AEs If the /tmp/remote.R file is updated to include the last two lines of the code sample below, the remote R AE can be registered and run with TABLE(ANY) specified as its output. nz.fun <- function () { if (!exists('x', envir=.GlobalEnv...
function_name(input) The input(s) are calledarguments, which can include: the physical object (any data structure) on which the function carries out a task specifications that alter the way the function operates (e.g. options) Not all functions take arguments, for example: ...
Function Name Arguments Function Body Return Value a. Function name It is the actual name given to a function while declaring it. It is mostly stored in the environment, which is available in the R language in the form of an object under the name given to it ...
#【当 test 形式为递归或列表(非向量),或 test 长度大于 1 时,执行上述代码】 } 可以目测下列代码执行结果作为练习: x <- c(3: -1) # 3 2 1 0 -1 y <- c("I", "love", "rlanguage", 520, "badminton") z <- c("him", "you", 1314, "and", "her") ifelse(x, y, z)...
Functions usually take arguments which are variables that the function operates on. For example, the mean() function takes a vector as an argument, like in the case of mean(c(2,6,8)). The mean() function then adds up all of the numbers in the vector and divides that sum by the len...
SQL 複製 EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R', @script = N''; GO 大量並行查詢如果並存執行的 sp_execute_external_script 數目高於集區內作用中的 R/Python 處理序數目,則將其他處理序新增至集區的冷啟動可能會變慢 (例如,由於資源限制)。