palette <- brewer.pal(5, "RdYlBu")[-(2:4)] # Add a title and caption ggplot(gm2007, aes(x = lifeExp, y = country, color = lifeExp)) + geom_point(size = 4) + geom_segment(aes(xend = 30, yend = country), size = 2) + geom_text(aes(label = round(lifeExp,1)), color...
value=c(31,12,15,28,45)) # Load ggplot2 package and gridExtra library("ggplot2") library("gridExtra") # Create bar plot using ggplot() function basic_plot<-ggplot(sample_data, aes(name,value))+ geom_bar(stat="identity") # add theme function to plot all 8 themes theme_grey<-basic...
ggplot2 is not only the R language’s most popular data visualization package, it is also an ecosystem. Numerous add-on packages give ggplot added power to do everything from more easily changing axis labels to auto-generating statistical information to customizing . . . almost anything.Here ar...
library(ggplot2) library(ggthemes) library(readxl) # 使用RStudio软件的导入数据功能 data <- read_excel("xxxxl.xlsx",sheet = "xxxx") View(data) # 预览数据 ###开始绘制散点图:AFP和CEA的关联### ggplot(data, aes(x = AFP, y = CEA)) + geom_point(size=0.5)+ #调整散点大小 geom_smoot...
ggplot2生态系统包括许多用于添加主题和调色板的包。你可能不需要全部,但你可能想要浏览它们,找到那些你觉得有吸引力的主题或调色板。 在安装其中一个包之后,通常可以像使用内置的ggplot2主题或调色板一样使用新的主题或调色板。下面是ggthemes包的太阳主题和色盲调色板的示例: ...
Themes The ggplot2 theme system handles non-data plot elements such as Axis labels Plot background Facet label backround Legend appearance Built-in themes include: theme_gray() (default) theme_bw() theme_classc() create a new theme
ggpomological:水果味的主题风格,很清新舒服。还有一个修改主题的包也不错:hrbrthemes。 ggtext:在ggplot中使用markdown/html语法构建文本(也支持插入图片),使用很舒服 ggcorrplot:相关性分析图的ggplot2版本 ggboxplot:箱线图的进一步加工 ggfortify:一行R代码来实现繁琐的可视化(有空的时候可以逛逛) ...
theme_web_bw theme_web_classic theme_web_void This will be a very short post compared to the detailed stuff I usually write. Just what it says on the tin – I made some tweaks to my three favorite {ggplot2} themes – theme_bw(), theme_classic(), and them
library(ggthemes) ggplot(nmmaps, aes(date, temp, color=factor(season)))+ geom_point() + scale_colour_tableau() Back to table of contents Color choice with continuous variables (scale_color_gradient(),scale_color_gradient2()) In our example we will change the color variable to ozone, a ...
ggplot2movies 0.0.1 ggplotify 0.1.2 ggpmisc 0.6.0 ggpp 0.5.8-1 ggpubr 0.6.0 ggQC 0.0.31 ggRandomForests 2.2.1 ggraph 2.2.1 ggrepel 0.9.5 ggridges 0.5.6 ggsci 3.2.0 ggsignif 0.6.4 ggsoccer 0.1.7 ggstance 0.3.7 ggstats 0.6.0 ggtern 3.5.0 ggtext 0.1.2 ggthemes 5.1.0 gh ...