#Import data>dat<-read.table("ProteinDegree_complex.txt",header=TRUE)#plot a simple scatter plot>library(ggplot2)>p<-ggplot(dat,aes(x=degree,y=complex))+geom_point(shape=19))+xlab("Degree")+ylab("Number of complexes")+geom_smooth(method=lm)>p ggplot2 提供一个函数自动添加拟合的曲线(...
#(1) 前期准备 #清空当前环境变量,设置路径 rm(list=ls()) setwd("F:/China/r_china") #加载R包 library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) library(sf) library(terra) library(ggspatial) #ggplot2的地图制作拓展包 library(stars) #时空数据处理 library(tidyterra) #矢量输出 # china_map <- vect("F:/...
# Scatter Plot library(ggplot2) ggplt <- ggplot(Orange,aes(x=circumference,y=age))+ geom_point()+ theme_classic() ggplt # Plotting a single Regression Line ggplt+geom_smooth(method=lm,se=FALSE,fullrange=TRUE) R Copy输出这是一个单一的平滑线,或俗称为回归线。在这里,各点是结合在一起...
ggplot2是R语言中一个非常流行的绘图包,我们也可以通过ggplot2包来定制label字体。以下是一个使用ggplot2绘制散点图并设置label字体的示例: library(ggplot2)# 创建一个简单的散点图p<-ggplot(data=mtcars,aes(x=mpg,y=wt))+geom_point()+labs(title="Scatter Plot")# 设置label字体为粗体和斜体p+theme(plo...
上述代码首先使用ggplot2创建了一个基本的散点图,展示了血压和胆固醇水平之间的关系。然后,使用ggExtra包的ggMarginal函数添加了边缘分布图,这里选择的边缘分布类型为密度图(type = "density"),以展示每个变量的分布情况。 使用ggscatterhist()绘制边缘分布散点图 ...
Example 2: Add Labels to ggplot2 Scatterplot In this Example, I’ll show how to put labels on the points of aggplot2scatterplot created by the geom_point function. If we want to use the functions of the ggplot2 package, we first have to install and load ggplot2: ...
1, NA) # plot results (Fig2E IgA) ggplot(binary, aes(Pharyngitis, count.1, fill = Pharyngitis))+ geom_violin(draw_quantiles = c(0.5), scale= "width", alpha = 0.25)+ geom_beeswarm(size = 3, alpha = 0.75, cex =5, shape = 21)+ scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue", "red")...
Define the function that creates the R plot object. The custom function mapPlot creates a scatter plot that uses the taxi pickup locations, and plots the number of rides that started from each location. It uses the ggplot2 and ggmap packages, which should already be installed and loaded. R...
#define plotting function PlotIT <-function(d){ggplot(data=d, aes(y=y)) + geom_line(aes(x=xj, group=id), color= "black", alpha = .8) + geom_point(data = d %>% filter(x=="1"), aes(x=xj), shape = 21, fill = 'darkgrey', size = 2.5, alpha = .7) + geom_point(...