plot(wt,mpg,pch=as.character(cyl),col=as.integer(cyl)+1,xlab="Weight",ylab="Miles per Gallon ", main="Miles per Gallon vs. Weight by Cylinder", cex.main=1.5) 例: attach(mtcars) plot(wt, mpg,main="Mileage vs. Car Weight",xlab="Weight",ylab="Mileage",pch=18, col="blue") tex...
library(vcd) #使用数据集Arthritis counts <- table(Arthritis$Improved) counts None Some Marked 42 14 28 par(mfrow=c(1,2)) barplot(counts, main = "Simple Bar Plot", xlab = "Improvement", ylab = "Frequency") #竖直条形图 barplot(counts, main = "Horizontal Bar Plot", xlab = "Frequency...
If you want another language to be supported, you can submit a Pull Request to add a CSV file like the one used for french (file is located ininst/i18nfolder in the package, you can see ithere on GitHub). See{datamods} vignettefor more on this topic. ...
mapPlot <-function(inDataSource, googMap){library(ggmap)library(mapproj) ds <- rxImport(inDataSource) p <- ggmap(googMap)+ geom_point(aes(x = pickup_longitude, y =pickup_latitude ), data=ds, alpha =.5, color="darkred", size =1.5)return(list(myplot=p)) } ...
Learn techniques for generating plots and maps using R language with SQL Server data. Create a simple histogram and then develop a more complex map plot.
library(rbokeh) p <- figure() %>% ly_points(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, data = iris, color = Species, glyph = Species, hover = list(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)) p R PlotlyPlotly 的R 图形库,可以创建出版级质量的交互式图形。R 复制 ...
1. 2. 3.
(2),")",sep=""), color="orange", size=4 , angle=0, fontface="bold", hjust=0)+ theme_ipsum()+ coord_flip()+ theme(legend.position="none")+ xlab("")+ ylab("Value of Y")+ ggtitle("How did groups A and D perform?") cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 2, align = "...
jamovi is the only R GUI reviewed that lets you set the plot style in advance, and all future plots will use that style. It does this using four popular themes. jamovi also lets you choose color palettes in advance, from a set of eight. [Continued…] Posted on January 9, 2019Author ...