For a Mac OS X or Windows binary install, no locking is done by default. Setting argumentlocktoTRUE(it defaults to the value ofgetOption("install.lock", FALSE)) will use per-directory locking as described for source installs: if the value is"pkglock"per-package locking will be used. I...
若要指定安装目录 (e.g. “mydir”),则输入install.packages("stepNorm", contriburl="R包网页路径", lib="R包安装目录") 这种方法可能会出现安装错误,那么可以用 方法2 2. 手动安装(离线安装) Windows:下载package.zip文件 打开R的菜单栏->Packages->“Install package from local zip file…” 在Rstudio...
install_local()from a local file, install_svn()from aSVN repository, install_url()from a URL, and install_version()from a specific version of a CRAN package. 当然一般要在前面加devtools:: if(!require(devtools))install.packages("devtools")devtools::install_github("boxuancui/DataExplorer") ...
For a Mac OS X or Windows binary install, no locking is done by default. Setting argumentlocktoTRUE(it defaults to the value ofgetOption("install.lock", FALSE)) will use per-directory locking as described for source installs: if the value is"pkglock"per-package locking will be used. I...
install.packages("",repos = NULL,type = "source") 2. 安装ggtree包报错(R4.1.2,Docker+Ubuntu) 2022.02.07 Monday Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘ggtree’: ...
In, delete.file = TRUE, title = paste("R", tolower(x$title)))不存在'C:\Users\姝一绩\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpasphrx\RpackageIQR1190347b77c9'这个文件data()函数找不到内置数据集 骑着野猪飞奔 学前 1 123 骑着野猪飞奔 学前 1 求解答!!! 未来1548 ...
install.packages("local/packagename.tar.gz",repos=NULL,type="source") 高效方式一 随着时间流逝,安装的R包也越来越多,如何快捷分辨出未安装过的R包就显得尤其重要。我们可以通过installed.packages函数判断,并使用lapply函数分次安装所有的R包。构建函数,使其具有如下功能: ...
R语言安装包失败r语言安装package失败 下载安装包失败: > install.packages("readxl") Error in install.packages : error reading from connection解决:1.如果下载不成功,需要将Rstudio默认的下载镜像切换成国内的下载镜像;2.有多个国内下载镜像,还不行就多试几次,我选择的是北京大学的下载镜像;3.输入:install.pac...
.gsub_ext<-xfun::gsub_ext## Change the working directory, evaluate the expression,## and restore the working directory.move_run<-xfun::in_dir## Install a source package from a directory.install_dir<-xfun::install_dir## Check OS.is_linux<-xfun::is_linux ...
Team I am unable to install any package from my R Studio. Please find below errors while installing the package. install.packages("ggplot2") Warning in install.packages : unable to access index for repository https:/…