> nPlot(~cut, data = diamonds, type = 'pieChart') # 在饼图的基础上绘制圆环图 > p <-nPlot(~cut, data = diamonds, type = 'pieChart') > p$chart(donut=TRUE) > p 4.折线图(Line Chart) > nPlot(uempmed ~ date, data = economics, type = 'lineChart') 5. Line with Focus Cha...
4, 1, 5), type = "line", color = "red") # 设置图表标题和轴标签 chart <- chart %>% hc_title(text = "High Line Chart with Arbitrary Line") %>% hc_xAxis(categories = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")) %>% hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Value")) # 输出图表 c...
highchart函数添加hc_add_series: #数据准备 BOD_line3 <- mutate(BOD_line,demand2 = demand + 2) #作图 highchart() %>% hc_xAxis(categories = BOD_line3$Time)%>% hc_add_series(name = "a", data = BOD_line3$demand) %>% hc_add_series(name = "b", data = BOD_line3$demand2) ...
chart 在上面的代码中,我们首先创建了一个Highchart对象,并使用hc_yAxis_multiples函数添加了两个y轴。然后,使用hc_add_series函数添加了两个数据系列,分别指定了对应的y轴。最后,使用hc_tooltip函数定制了工具提示的样式和内容。 在工具提示的定制中,我们使用了shared = TRUE来使得工具提示在多个数据系列之间共享...
Line apparition A line chart progressively displayed. Most basic A Count-down animation made with R and Image Magick. 3D animation A 3D animated scatterplot made with R and rgl. 3D animation Another example of 3d and animation with R and lattice. Most basic Most basic area chart with...
让我们从asset_returns_xtsHighcharts工具链的Highstock部分开始并使用它。要从R调用此功能,我们首先提供,然后提供要绘制的数据。请注意,我们指定type =“line”,但这不是必需的,因为默认值是折线图。 highchart(type = "stock") highchart(type = "stock") %>% hc_add_series(asset_returns_xts$SPY, type...
highchart() %>% hc_add_series(data, type = "scatter", hcaes(x = carat, y = price, size = depth, group = cut)) %>% hc_add_series(fit, type = "line", hcaes(x = carat, y = .fitted), name = "Fit", id = "fit") %>% ...
hc <- hchart( economics_long2,"line", hcaes(x = date, y = value01, group = variable) ) hc Spline: Line with polynomial interpolation # Data preparationdata("diamonds", package ="ggplot2") df4 <- diamonds %>% group_by(cut, color)%>% count()# Spline Plothc <- df4 %>% hch...
MVC下signalr +highcharts,在线实时图表 转载自:http://my.oschina.net/u/867090/blog/122421 继续昨天未完成的博客。 signalr是c#下的一种服务器与客户端通信技术。基于长轮询。(据官方文档描述,可以根据具体浏览器选择使用长轮询或者web socket)使用非常方便。