I've written a function that takes 4 arguments and returns a dataframe. The condensed version looks like the following. Advantage<-function(tRos,tTat,cRos,cTat){#case 1.1 tRos is lowerif((tRos>0|cRos>0)&cRos>tRos&cTat<tTat){tRosAd<-(cRos-tRos)*cTat*-1tTatAd<-(tTat-cTat)*tRos ...
generate_links <- function(start_year, end_year) { links <- character() for (year in start_year:end_year) { links <- c(links, paste0("https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomchistorical", year, ".htm")) } return(links) } # Example: Generate links from 1970 to 2018 star...
pch = "x", col = 2) # plot(pp20, pch = "x", col = 2) fun <- function(x) as.phylo(hclust(dist.dna(x, model="raw"), "average")) # upgma() in phangorn tree <- fun(ex.dna.sub) ## get 100 bootstrap trees: bstrees <- boot.phylo(tree, ex.dna.sub, fun, trees ...
R中的apply函数与function函数 r语言apply函数用法 R语言 apply函数家族详解 1、apply {base} 通过对数组或者矩阵的一个维度使用函数生成值得列表或者数组、向量。 apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, …) X 1. 2. MARGIN 表示矩阵行,2表示矩阵列,也可以是c(1,2) 例: > xxx<-matrix(1:20,ncol=4) > xxx [,1] ...
library(shiny) library(ggplot2) ui <- fluidPage( navbarPage("User Interface:",tabPanel("Upload", titlePanel("Uploading Files"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( fileInput("file1", "Choose CSV File", multiple = TRUE, accept = c("text/csv", "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", ".csv...
re-adjustmentoffarmbo re-align re-arrest or multiple re-assort re-barhoop re-boiler re-close circuit-brea re-collectregroupregr re-compaction re-countrecalcrecalcu re-create re-cut re-deduct inventory t re-deliver of vessel re-deliveryarea re-deliverydate re-developer re-dialingfunction re-...
7). In R, the same calculation is done, but across multiple WTP values. First, an array is created, which in this case is essentially two data frames that contain the NMB from all outer loop simulations, across each WTP value. The apply function is then used to take the maximum NMB ...
Returns a new PubSub instance using given predicate pred as boolean topic function and a & b as subscribers for truthy (a) and falsy b values.import { bisect, fromIterable, trace } from "@thi.ng/rstream"; fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4]).subscribe( bisect((x) => !!(x & 1), trace...
Again, Wikidata ids. We can of course get their relative labels using the functions outlined above, buttidywikidatarhas a convenience function -tw_label()that will achieve what you want in most such cases. tw_get_property(id=c("Q180099","Q228822","Q220480"),p="P166",language="en"...
ratio-type lithofacie rational customer rational expressionr rational function rational herding rational learning rational planning rational prediction m rational sedate rational visual purec rationalen rationalinvolutoriala rationalistrationalis rationalizableintegra rationalize foreign t rationalize foreign t rat...