rabbit skin plate in rabbitn rabbits records rabearivelo jean-jose rabi isidor isaac rabia-al-accher rabid companion ii rabies immune globuli rabinovitch park rabiocarpal joint rac radioadaptivecomm rac remote az essory race race for brdintinny race for the galaxy t race formation race gold rac...
rabbit skin overcoat rabbit skin parka for rabbit skin parka for rabbit skin parka for rabbit skin plate rabbit skin plate in rabbit skin plate in rabbit skin plate in rabbit skin plate in rabbit skin plate wit rabbit skin vest rabbitsnuffles rabbittite rabbit treponemosis rabbittypeantibody rabbi...
temperature for 2 h in blocking buffer containing donkey anti-rabbit AlexaFluor488 (1:1000, 115-546-072, Jackson Immunoresearch) and donkey anti-mouse Rhodamine Red (1:1000, 715-295-150, Jackson Immunoresearch). Slices were then rinsed again and incubated for 3 min with 4′,6-diamidino-2-...
El-Said G, Rosenberg HS, Mullins CE, Hallman GL, Cooley DA, McNamara DG (1972) Dysrhythmias after Mustard’s operation for transposition of the great arteries. Am J Cardiol 30:526–532 PubMedCASGoogle Scholar Emery AEH, Dreifuss FF (1966) Unusual type of benign X-linked muscular dystrophy...
After successive incubation with rabbit anti-mouse IgG (Solarbio, 1:100 dilution) and mouse anti-rabbit IgG (Solarbio, 1:100 dilution) in 100 μl of antibody buffer for 1 h at room temperature, the bead-bound cells were washed three times with dig-wash buffer (antibody buffer without...
48 hr after transfection, transfected cells were selected by 10 μg/ml puromycin for 3 days, and then single colonies were transferred onto 96-well plates with one colony in each well. The CISD1 KO clones were screened by immunoblot analysis with rabbit anti-CISD1 antibody (Proteintech)...
rabbitsign/ - 2024-05-03 09:41 racket/ - 2024-08-30 15:52 racon/ - 2023-08-29 02:03 radare2/ - 2025-01-14 03:40 radcli/ - 2024-03-11 21:30 radeontool/ - 2024-10-16 21:39 radeontop/ - 2023-08-24 20:03 radioclk/ - 2024-01-10 15:28 radium-compressor/ - 2024-03-19...
These membranes were blocked with 5% nonfat dry milk for 2 h at room temperature, followed by overnight incubation with the first antibody, such as rabbit anti-FANCI (1:1,000, 20,789–1-AP, proteintech, WuHan, China), rabbit anti-NFκB-p65 (1:1,000, YT3108, ImmounWay Biotechnology,...
A new antiarrhythmic drug of phenothiazine series diethylamine ethmozine analogue inhibited the rabbit's platelet aggregation induced by ADP, serotonin and thrombin. The degree of inhibition depended on the drug concentration and time of... RA Markosian,EI Pozin,EG Popov,... - 《Biulleten...
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