Learn how to use R for data science, from data manipulation to machine learning. Gain the career-building skills you need to succeed in data science!
platform to manage data. The course serves as an introduction to the R software. It lays the foundation for anyone to begin studying data science and its applications, or to prepare learners to take more advanced courses related to data science, such as machine learning and computational ...
Python vs R for Data Science: Which Should You Learn? This guide will help you answer one of the most frequently asked questions of newcomers in data science and help you choose between R and Python. Javier Canales Luna 10 min cheat sheet Getting Started with R Cheat Sheet This cheat she...
快捷键 a版侵进)3作Tyn时有Sie8th出a权行息出4o-图公2ulb7司erI公8由出2限文SnP41口当版D:c电2nD)gi信k与9制书4:总:t权ts15子ai2k团发p北司社fe:必9mc7N:科集cBa者(版授书中国a-当权有间权京商本P1o所6(务版c9R名究。作o书0 osohtrurtAp,bcCtefiktCaecethitRoiblgnrdcssPsnrnSooncDQ....
Getting Started with R for Data ScienceMykola KolisnykRichard Skeggs
本文主要翻译R for Data Science这本书的第三章,可视化(ggplot2)部分内容。翻译原文在这里:R for Data Science,其中3.1节到3.2节为手工翻译,后面的为谷歌翻译加人工修改,自己翻译打字一方面有些慢,另一方面有工具不用干嘛。不过自己翻译起来,怎么都觉得不通顺,但是谷歌翻译虽然有一点点小问题,但是也省了很多的精力...
R for data science the process of data science: R下载链接:The Comprehensive R Archive Network Rstudio下载链接:https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/ 安装包:install.packages("tidyverse") take tidyverse as an example 载入安装包:library(tidyverse)...
R for Data Science Hadley Wickham and Garret Grolemund Learn how to use R to turn raw data into insight, knowledge, and understanding. This book introduces you to R, RStudio, and the tidyverse, a collection of R packages designed to work together to make data science fast, fluent, and fu...
本期推荐的书籍是hadley大神《R for Data Science》的中文翻译版《R数据科学》,Panda姐五星强烈推荐!!! 这本书原版就是开源的(网址:http://r4ds.had.co.nz/),但是中文看得更快,学R语言一定要买一本纸质书放在案头,多多翻阅。 R for Data Science ...
R语言学习系列今天我们来开始一起学习一本书:R for Data Science 数据科学是一个极其广阔的领域,仅靠一本书是不可能登堂入室的。本书的目标是教会你使用最重要的数据科学工具。在一个典型的数据科学项目中,需要的工具模型大体如下图所示 本书第一部分的目的是让你尽快掌握数据探索的基本工具。数据探索是一门...