对于重复的行,一个不留! 1 unique 直接去重 data1 <- unique(data) data1 1. 2. 简单,直接,可以看到第9行完全重复的已经被删除。 如果我还想去掉ID_REF重复的行,怎么办? 2 duplicated 可选去重 1)删除数据集中完全重复的行,同unique data2 <- data[!duplicated(data),] 1. 2)选择性删除 A:删除某...
How to find the number of unique values in each row of an R data frame - To find the number of unique values in each row of an R data frame, we can use apply function with length and unique function. For example, if we have a data frame called df that co
reactive column reactive dyeings reactive energy reactive equalizer reactive excitement reactive ion etching reactive paranoid reactive protein reactive texture of a reactivity balance reactivity marginreac reactivity oscillatio reactivityhemorrhage reactor biological tu reactor calculationre reactor commissioning rea...
# 删除缺失值 na.omit(data) # 处理异常值 data <- data[data$column_name < 100, ] # 处理重复值 data <- unique(data) 复制代码 数据转换:变量重编码、变量分组、变量转换等。 # 变量重编码 data$column_name <- ifelse(data$column_name == "A", 1, 0) # 变量分组 data$group <- cut(data...
2.1.363 Part 1 Section 17.14.6, column (Index of Column Being Mapped) 2.1.364 Part 1 Section 17.14.7, column (Index of Column Containing Unique Values for Record) 2.1.365 Part 1 Section 17.14.9, dataSource (Data Source File Path) 2.1.366 Part 1 Section 17.14.12, doNot...
teradata_values "true" quoted boolean Controls whether character or a more specific R data type is used for certain result set column value types. Refer to the Data Types table below for details. tmode "DEFAULT" string Specifies the transaction mode. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver TMOD...
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R> library(kernlab) R> data(spam) R> s <- spam R> # Create a column that has integer values. R> s$TS <- 1001:(1000 + nrow(s)) R> # Create a column that has integer values with each number repeated twice. R> s$USERID <- rep(351:400, each=2, len=nrow(s)) R> # ...
And when and where were they born? We expect the answer to this latter questions to be unique, and we may be fine with discarding other values that may be recorded in Wikidata. library("dplyr",warn.conflicts=FALSE) library("tidyr")students<-tw_get_property(id="Q76857",p="P185") %...
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