Error in +geom_line(aes(y = h_mean - sqrt(h_var)), colour = "red", linetype = "dotted") : invalid argument to unary operator 1. 2. 解决问题过程: 1)查找 invalid argument to unary operator意思,一直以为是自己在利用一个向量减去一个常数步骤上面出错。就这样我尝试 tim<-1:n d<-data....
r语言提示invalid argument to unary operator怎么解决 da <- function(x){c=c()for (i in seq(ncol(x))){#if (length(which(complete.cases(x[[i]])))>1) #如何某列有空值if(sum(complete.cases(x[i]==FALSE)>=1){c=c(i,c)}}x=x[-c]}
> df[ , -c("z","u")] Error in -c("z", "u") : invalid argument to unary operator 这对用户来说是不一致的。这使得人们找出替代解决方案,对于如此简单而常见的需求,有些解决方案极其复杂。看起来 subset() 或 dplyr::select() 是最简单的,但真正的解决方案是明显的语法 df[ , -c("z"...
Error: could not find function "Write.table"> - packageversion("utils")Error: could not find function "packageversion"> > > - sessionInfo()Error in -sessionInfo() : invalid argument to unary operator> - packageversion("utils")Error: could not find function "packageversion"> Obs: Before...
[1] "e: Error in log(z): Non-numeric argument to mathematical functionn" Called from: h(simpleError(msg, call)) Browse[1]> invokeRestart("flipArg") Error in -z : invalid argument to unary operator Here’s what happens when you call the code with a non-numeric argument, and then ...
我找到了一个解决方法,使用position = "identity",它将在ggplotly中创建一个动画直方图,如下所示:
error. If there was no error, we get a value in result and NULL in error. If there was an error, this is what we see:print(result[[3]]) ## $result ## NULL ## ## $error ## <simpleError in -x: invalid argument to unary operator>Because...
raise AsmError('Invalid register: ' + op) if self.r_prefix and not isalias and op[0].upper() != 'R' and self.symbols.pass_no > 1: self.console.warn(f'Treating {op} as register, did you intend an @address?', category=Warnings.BAD_USAGE) if not 0 <= r <= 15: @@ -3298...