plexus r+d is an internationally acclaimed architecture firm based in Atlanta, Georgia providing residential and commercial architecture design services.
plexus r+d is an internationally acclaimed architecture firm based in Atlanta, Georgia providing residential and commercial architecture design services.
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Architecture projects from R+D Studio, based in Gurgaon - India, an Architecture Office firm centered around Educational Architecture
Completed in 2015 in Gurgaon, India. Images by Niveditaa Gupta. The architecture of the house explores a play of volumes, materials and stark play of light & shadow. The volume blocking is strong & rigid...
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architecture Egyptian art and architecture pyramid See all related content ancient Egyptian architecture, the architectural monuments produced mainly during the dynastic periods of the first three millenniabcein theNilevalley regions of Egypt andNubia. Thearchitecture, similar to representational art, aimed ...
La géographie d'archipel des Bahamas présente des problèmes considérables. 巴哈马群岛地理带来了相当大挑战。 L'archipel ne devait plus jamais connaître de périodes de conflit. 群岛斗争时代决不能重演。 Certains PEID avaient droit à l'exploitation exclusive des eaux d'archipel. 有些小岛屿发展...
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