cumulative_cap <- ppa_price_long %>% group_by(region) %>% summarise(cumulative_capacity = round(sum(capacity_mw))) %>% mutate(capacity_label = prettyNum(cumulative_capacity, big.mark = ",")) p3 <- ggplot(cumulative_cap, aes(x="", y=cumulative_capacity, fill=region))+ geom_bar(...
可以通过指定不同的参数来控制分组和求和的方式。 dplyr包:提供了一套用于数据处理和转换的函数,包括group_by()和summarize()等函数,可以方便地进行分组和求和操作。 data.table包:提供了一套高效的数据处理和计算函数,包括by和sum等函数,可以在大规模数据集上进行高速的分组和求和操作。 在使用R语言进行累积量和分...
sum(x): Sum of elements of x. prod(x): Product of elements of x. cumsum(x): Cumulative sum of elements of x. cumprod(x): Cumulative product of elements of x. pmin(x,y,z, …), pmax(x,y,z, …): Pick minimum and pick maximum from vectors x, y, z, and return as vector...
rsumsequencecumulative-sum 3 我希望在R中计算以下项,但不使用循环("for"循环): 到目前为止,我已经手动计算过,并尝试使用序列函数来处理索引变量i和j,并将它们集成到cumsum函数中并对返回的向量求和。 i <- seq(1:10) j <- seq(1:5) sum(cumsum((i^5)/(10+j^i))) 然而,结果与我的手动计算...
RCUMSUM cumulative sum of elements, restarted after every zero. For vectors, RCUMSUM(X) is a vector containing the cumulative sum of the elements of X, with the summation restarting after a zero is encountered. For matrices, RCUMSUM(X) is a matrix the same size as X containing the ...
# Color by group (dose) e + geom_boxplot(aes(color = dose))+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07")) # Change fill color by group (dose) e + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = dose)) + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07...
2)Log cumulative hazard plot, ,其中 。 结论:图上两条log cumulative hazard curve平行-->PH假设满足,PH假设满足-->图上两条log cumulative hazard curve平行,即图上两条log cumulative hazard curve平行是PH假设的充分且必要条件。 R代码如下: # log...
relative cumulative f relative current relativedensity relative density of s relative diffusion co relative divergence relative divergence o relative eddy relative ellipse area relative entropy func relative equivalent relative erosion rati relative error relative evaporation relative evaporation relative failure...
[1] 2 6 11 18 [1] 2.4 8.0 11.4 本文由纯净天空筛选整理自nidhi_biet大神的英文原创作品Calculate Cumulative Sum of a Numeric Object in R Programming – cumsum() Function。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。
redemption by drawing redemption dates redeposit redeposited loess redeposited structure redeposition redepositionresedimen redeption group redesign redevelop redevelopment redevelopment program red favorite red figure red flash opal redflecting galvanome red galaxy red hardness red hard steel red heat red...