您也可以使用 R 身分識別函數 (例如is.matrix、is.vector) 來傳回內部資料結構的相關資訊。 資料物件的隱含轉換 每個R 資料物件都有自己的規則,如果在結合其他資料物件時,兩個資料物件具有相同數目的維度,或者如果任一個資料類型包含異質資料類型,就會按照規則處理其值。
Seq(4) means vector from 1 to 4 (c(1,2,3,4)) whereas seq_along(4) means a vector of length(4) or 1(c(1)). 19. Explain how you can start the R commander GUI. rcmdr command is used to start the R commander GUI. 20. What is the memory limit of R? In 32 bit system me...
你还可以使用is.matrix、is.vector等 R 标识函数返回有关内部数据结构的信息。 数据对象的隐式转换 每个R 数据对象都有自己的规则,指定在将值与其他数据对象组合时,如果两个数据对象的维度数相同,或如果任意数据对象包含异类数据类型,应如何处理值。 首先,创建一个小型测试数据表。
(X_train), label = as.vector(y_train)), valids = list(test = lgb.Dataset(as.matrix(X_test), label = as.vector(as.numeric(y_test))) y_pred <- as.numeric(predict(lgbm_sm_model, as.matrix(X_test)) > 0.5) accuracy <- mean(y_pred == as.vector(y_test)) cr_lgbm_sm <- ...
n– 水平的总数。 k– 每个层次的重复次数。 length(默认为:n*k)–输出的长度 labels – 用于因子水平的标签。代码# generate a sequence of 1:6 each # repeated 4 times gl(6 , 4 ) R Copy输出[1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 Levels: 1 2 3 4 ...
As you’ll see, once you have entered the vector, R will respond by displaying its elements. In many cases it will be convenient to refer to this vector using a name, instead of having to enter it over and over again. We can accomplish this using theassign()function, which is equivale...
R语言学习(二)vector 1、向量的赋值 x <- c(10.4,5.6,3.1,6.4,21.7) assign("x", c(10.4,5.6,3.1,6.4,21.7)) c(10.4,5.6,3.1,6.4,21.7) ->x y<- c(x,0, x) #1would create a vectorywith 11 entries consisting of two copies ofxwith a zero in...
It must be stressed that just because we can do arithmetic on vectors of different lengths, it doesn’t mean that we should. Adding a scalar value to a vector is okay, but otherwise we are liable to get ourselves confused. It is much better to explicitly create equal-length vectors before...
ggplot2.stripchart(data=df,xName='dose',yName='len',xShowTitle=FALSE,yShowTitle=FALSE,xShowTickLabel=FALSE,yShowTickLabel=FALSE,hideAxisTicks=TRUE)# AxisLine:a vectoroflength3indicating the size,#the line type and the colorofaxis lines ...
Vector: if you give R twovectorsof unequal lengths, R will repeat the shorter vector until it is as long as the longer vector, and then do the math Multiplication *: repeat the shorter vector until it is as long as the longer vector ...