contrib:如果 contrib > 1,例如:5,则绘制贡献最高的前 5 个个体/变量 # Visualize variable with cos2 >= 0.6 fviz_pca_var(res.pca, select.var = list(cos2 = 0.6)) # Top 5 active variables with the highest cos2 fviz_pca_var(res.pca, select.var= list(cos2 = 5)) # Select by names...
___ Group variables None Variable type: numeric 数据集有456个样本,12个特征。其中: MPE:是否是恶性胸腔积液患者,0表示否,1表示是; Gender:性别,,0表示女性,1表示男性; Age:年龄; Cough:是否咳嗽,0表示否,1表示是; WBCPE:胸腔积液中的白细胞计数; LDHS:血清乳酸脱氢酶; TPPE:胸腔积液总蛋白; TPPES:...
Group variables None ── Variable type:factor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts1sex01FA...
library(MatchIt)set.seed(1234)<-matchit(Group~Age+Sex,data=mydata,method="nearest",ratio=1)a<-summary( For further data presentation, we save the output of the summary-function into a variable named a. After matching the samples, the size of the population sample was r...
pbmc<- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc, selection.method ="vst", nfeatures = 2000) #提取表达量变变化最高的10个基因; top10<- head(VariableFeatures(pbmc), 10) #对高变基因进行可视化; plot3<- VariableFeaturePlot(pbmc,cols = c("#00000099","#7cae0099"),pt.size = 1.5) ...
re-boiler re-close circuit-brea re-collectregroupregr re-compaction re-countrecalcrecalcu re-create re-cut re-deduct inventory t re-deliver of vessel re-deliveryarea re-deliverydate re-developer re-dialingfunction re-dippingunit re-discount rate re-dropout rate re-editing re-educationaltherapy ...
record the restricted record variable record recorded just last we recorder assembly pla recorder deflection recorder pen recorders and loggers recording anemomete recording characteris recording core paper recording line recording media opera recording of me singi recording techniques recording vacuum ther ...
In this code snippet, we create a dataset with 1000 individuals and 5 time points. Thetrajvariable represents the true trajectory group to which each individual belongs. We then simulate the data for each trajectory group using different mean and standard deviation values to represent distinct patte...
group() Creates grouping factor and adds to the given data frame. splt() Creates grouping factor and splits the data by these groups. partition() Splits data into partitions. Balances a given categorical variable and/or numerical variable between partitions and keeps all data points with a sh...
(runs that execute in Azure Machine Learning). It uses tcktk2 R libraray to schedule token refresh.# Token refresh interval can be controlled by setting the environment variable MLFLOW_AML_TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL and defaults to 30 seconds.library(mlflow)library(httr)library(later)library(tcltk2...