options(digits=1) #先设置数字位数(不是小数点位数) runif(3, 5, 10) #生成3个 5-10 之间的随机数 floor(x) #向下取整数 ceiling(x) #向上取整数 round(x, 3) #保留3位小数 > runif(3, 5, 10) #未设置数字位数 [1] 7.55584 8.10927 7.62735 > options(digits=7) > runif(3, 5, 10) [1...
##this section moves plot names in column 1 (if specified as being present) into the row names of the matrix and drops the column of names if (plot_names_in_col1) { row.names(spXsite) <- spXsite[, 1] spXsite <- spXsite[, -1] } ## count number of sites and total species r...
r.That' sbecause阅读理解Hav eyo ueve rcounte dth enumbe ro fdigits(数字 )i nyou rmobil ephon enumber ?Your numbe rha s1 1digit s.Yo uma ysometime sfin di thar dt oremembe ryou rnumbe r.That' sbecause Chin aha sth elonge stmobil ephon enumber si nth eworld .Wh yi sthat...
encryptdata "false" quoted boolean Controls encryption of data exchanged between the driver and the database. Equivalent to the Teradata JDBC Driver ENCRYPTDATA connection parameter. error_query_count "21" quoted integer Specifies how many times the driver will attempt to query FastLoad Error Table ...
# 假设数据框为df count_duplicates <- function(df) { apply(df, 2, function(x) sum(duplicated(x))) } duplicate_counts <- as.data.frame(t(count_duplicates(df))) names(duplicate_counts) <- colnames(df) print(duplicate_counts) (4)数据类型的转换与格式化 习题37: 题目:将一个包含日期字符串...
options(digits=7) :默认有效位数为7位 trunc(x):取整 trunc(3.531) [1] 3 floor(x):向下取整 ceiling(x):向上取整 sigif(x, digits=n):指定最小值的有效位数 abs(x):绝对值 x %% y :求余数 x^n:幂次方 exp(x):指数 ln(x) / log(x, y):对数 ...
FUN—an aggregate function to compute the summary statistics for each group (e.g., mean, max, min, count, sum). 19. How to merge data in R? 1. Using the cbind() function—only if the data frames have the same number of rows, and the records are the same and in the same order...
Producer Count Number of levels of IS-IS instances (producers) that generate TE information. Producer In Smoothing Status Count Number of producers that are in the smoothing state. Producer Id Producer ID. Smooth Status Smooth state. Smooth Reason Smoothing reason. Verification Status Synchronization ...
When a character string is used to filter command output information, the first line of the output starts from the line where certain information matches the character string, not from the matched information. The system allows you to use | count to display the number of lines, | section to...
在进行R语言的可视化的时候,建议也是把该用的包都提前安装上,这样可以省去后面报错的心累。 在前面的linux流程的时候,主要做了参考基因组的比对、数据的质控与标准化、文件格式的转换和callpeak,现在主要是选用R语言对相关的结果进行可视化。由于我们测的数据还没有发表。所以图片输出结果还是选用的官网上的图片,来供...