ratio iq ratio intell ratio of advances and ratio of asset value ratio of dynamic shea ratio of gross domsti ratio of teachers to ratio of times covere ratio receive combine ratio result ratio standard ratio tra formation ratioimage rational basis rational division alg rational expectation ration...
Using paste() function, you can easily concatenate or combine the strings. The paste() function is capable of taking multiple elements as inputs and concatenates them into a string. 使用paste()函数,您可以轻松地连接或组合字符串。 paste()函数能够将多个元素作为输入并将它们连接成一个字符串。 To ...
Combine as.character and as.numeric Functions to Convert Factor to Numeric in R The factor levels can be converted to the integer type by combining as.character and as.numeric functions. as.character returns factor levels as character strings. Then we can call the as.numeric function to coerce...
Now, a vector is the elementary data structure in R and is “a single entity consisting of a collection of things”, according to the R base manual. So, a collection of numbers is a numeric vector. If you combine vectors (of the same length), you obtain a matrix. You can do this ...
functioncyclocomplexity read_fh 150 fd_report 42 sw_sum 32 cor_table 31 sw_combine 27 sw_interval 17 movAv 16 sw_combine_plot 15Static code analyses with lintrlintr found the following 170 potential issues:messagenumber of times Avoid 1:length(...) expressions, use seq_len. 6 Avoid ...
Actions Projects1 Security Insights Additional navigation options Files 38ef618 .github R attach.R combine_plots.R combine_plots2.R data.R ggbarstats.R ggbetweenstats.R ggcoefstats.R ggcorrmat.R ggdotplotstats.R gghistostats.R ggpiestats.R ...
ddply(Data,.(user_id,item_id),summarize,liulan=sum(liulan))——split-apply-combine的一体化函数;.(user_id,item_id)作为每行的一对标识ID(因子),前面的“.”号省略数据框名称;summrize是一个函数fun;liulan是一个变量,最后生成的数据框只有user_id,item_id,liulan三列。详情参见例子R语言利器之ddply ...
as.formula(<string>)——转换为一个R公式,<string>是一个字符串 循环时的判断语句: ifelse(<test>, <yes>, <no>)——if,else的变种,test是判断语句,其中的判断变量可以是一个向量!yes是True时的赋值,no是False时的赋值 hist(<data>,prob=T,xlab='横坐标标题',main='标题',ylim=0:1,freq,breaks=...
When filtering conditions are set to query output information, the first line of the command output starts with the entire regular expression but not the string to be filtered. The system allows you to use | count to display the number of lines and | section to display the command output by...