WAIT:<part> R-Code 1.2 and above. Wait until given part of AIBO idle. The time/number parameter has a resolution of 32 milliseconds. ie: Values 1 to 32 equal 32 Values 33 to 64 equal 64 Etc... The part parameter can be one of the following: ...
run into a famous act run length code run length encode run lora run run macro run macroeconomics run meros run run my properties run of quarry ore run out of the shop run out of the stop run out vi run run down run smooth run steadily run the mile run time diagnostics run time infr...
right to claim compen right to due process right to equal concer right to territorial right to win a lawsui right to work right turn lane westb right up untill right wellthats a hec right yeah okay ill a rightright shut up right-handed rh screw right-handed coordina right-sided signal...
Otherwise, the system topology will not be updated. Set parameters such as Grid Code and Working mode. Table 6-2 Setting array parameters Parameter Description Remarks Scenario under Arrays Operation Scenario In the on-grid scenario, set this parameter to On-grid. In the off-grid ...
If no key public code hex-data is entered, the public key cannot be generated after you run this command. If the specified key key-name has been deleted in another view, the system displays a message indicating that the key does not exist and returns to the system view directly when yo...
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 该错误消息是一个较为常见的 STOP 消息,通常是由软件问题引发而且难以诊断。 该消息表示虚拟内存管理器检测到某个内核过程或驱动程序试图非法访问特权内核内存区域(内部请求级别)。 该通常表示无效或已损坏的软件指针引用错误的内存地址。 第四个参数是问题指令的地址。 如果该地址是在系统中...
登录Choice量化接口网站主页(https://quantapi.eastmoney.com),点击右上角账户名-个人资料绑定手机号。或者登录Choice金融终端,进入用户中心-资料管理绑定手机号。 登录激活(四种方式) 方式一:在start函数中直接输入账号密码进行登录(该方式不生成userinfo登录令牌) ...
Tutorials dedicated only to the theory have not a linked Jupiter notebook. Most of the code is written in Python, but you can find also some Excel files that I have created to make it easier to understand some of the concepts. I have also added R scripts (since it is widely used by...
The current value of the spy (at the time expect().to have_changed is evaluated) must be equal to the given value.Warning: Make sure that the value spy is initialized before running whatever code is expected to change the value. In particular, if you are setting up your spies using R...
Last Error Code Description:"Not Available"Last Reset:"Not Available"Location:"PCI bus 0, device 2, function 0"Manufacturer:"Intel Corporation"Microsoft DirectX* Version:"11.X"Monochrome:"No"Number of Colors:"4294967296"Number of Video Pages:"Not Available"PNP Device ID:"PC...