I have a calculate field (called TOTAL) on Tableau which is connected to R studio to create outputs through R (the R code is written inside the Calculate Field). The R code has a function that returns a bunch of 100 and 50 in a function passing .arg's from Tableau, and the number ...
如果说tapply()和ddply()是两把不错的斧头,那aggregate()函数堪比一把金刚钻,使用起来非常灵活,极大方便了分组计算工作。 格式1: aggregate(x, by, FUN, ...) #x为数据集中需要计算的字段 #by为分组依据 #FUN为需要向分组数据应用的函数 格式2: aggregate(formula, data, FUN, ...) #formula为数据公式,...
("E:\\QUKAI\\R语言与统计分析\\code") xx03 <- data.frame(stunames=c("王一","张二","陈三","李四","孙六")) #quote=T,文件中的数据用引号修饰 #row.names = T,不设置行名 write.table(xx03,"xx03.txt",row.names = T, quote=T) write.csv(xx03,"xx03.csv",row.names = F, ...
error.bar <- function(x,y,upper,lower=upper,length=0.1,...){ arrows(x,y+upper,x,y-lower,angle = 90,code = 3,length = length,...) } stdev=aggregate(cbind(dose_1,dose_2,dose_3)~treatment,data = data,sd) rownames(stdev)=stdev[,1] stdev=as.matrix(stdev[,-1])*1.96/10 ze...
目前中文互联网领域关于R语言做医学统计最全的教程(可能有夸张成分),免费!医学统计R语言实战电子书8 ...
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real bout high school real but unexpressed real code real dead time real degree of attenu real estate and other real estate app real estate developer real estate listings real estate market tr real estate roundtabl real estate securitiz real estate settlemen real galleries real golf 2011 real ...
My favourite use of aggregate with a base function is getting the last day of each month in a series of dates. To do so, one can use the following code (assuming your dates are stored in a “YYYY-MM-DD” format as strings or as Date): dates <- data.frame(date = as.Date("2001...
在之前R语言基础教程——第3章:数据结构——向量中我们介绍过向量的加减乘除运算,在这里介绍一下>,<运算。 代码语言:javascript 复制 >x=c(88,5,12,13)>y=c(98,3,14,9)>z=c(90,12,34,45,5,3)>x>y[1]FALSETRUEFALSETRUE>x<y[1]TRUEFALSETRUEFALSE>x>z[1]FALSEFALSEFALSEFALSETRUETRUEWarning ...
My favourite use of aggregate with a base function is getting the last day of each month in a series of dates. To do so, one can use the following code (assuming your dates are stored in a “YYYY-MM-DD” format as strings or as Date): dates <- data.frame(date = as.Date("2001...