“What I appreciate the most at R-Biopharm is the great flexibility and the opportunity for further develop according to your interests.” Read more We gain competitive advantages through diversity as this allows us to create a uniquely dynamic environment. An environment unified and focused to flo...
R-Biopharm is working in the fields of clinical diagnostics and food & feed analysis. We employ innovative and reliable products for pioneering solutions.
a division of R-Biopharm AG R-Biopharm introduces new tool for the fight against tuberculosis infection Three tubes two choices – the portfolio offers a professional laboratory solution for medium to high throughput (ELISA) as well as for smaller laboratory settings or remote locations with limited...
We at R-Biopharm AG are a family-run business and one of Germany’s leading biotechnology companies. Consumer’s and patient’s health is of our highest value. Our reliable analysis creates certainty, improves every day life for many people and contributes to health, safe nutrition and better...
今天是 2月15日 星期六首页>欢迎光临 公司介绍 The History of R-Biopharm AG R-Biopharm AG was founded in 1988 as a subsidiary of Röhm GmbH in Darmstadt, Germany. In 1991 it was taken over by the present managing director, Dr. Ralf M. Dreher. Since 1996 R-Biopharm’s quality management...
产品名称: R-Biopharm AG atcCR-Biopharm AG 产品型号: R-Biopharm AG产品展商: 拜力生物产品文档: 无相关文档 简单介绍 做细胞实验的同学看过来。原装ATCCR-Biopharm AG来啦。更有师姐**收藏的细胞培养小技巧。 R-Biopharm AG原装ATCC细胞现货来啦,上海**生物提供经营多种“ATCC细胞株,ScienCell细胞,菌株,细胞...
如果重复试验后,仍不能达到要求,请联系当地R-Biopharm AG的分销商。 10. 计算与解释 此检测可被三种不同的方法进行评价: 5 1. 利用试剂盒中提供的标准曲线 2. 利用表格数值查询 (试剂盒中提供的资料表格) 3. 数学统计,利用4 - 参数方法和α方法 在计算前,应该从每个测量值中减去试剂空白值。
首页 文档 视频 音频 文集 续费VIP 客户端 登录 百度文库 生活娱乐 R-Biopharm AG Product Catalogue 2017 Food & Feed A©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销
We at R-Biopharm AG (“Biopharm”) take the privacy of your personal data very serious. Your privacy is an important matter for us. We process your personal data in accordance with the applicable statutory data protection requirements for the purposes listed below. ...
Find out all of the information about the R-Biopharm AG product: gastrointestinal infection test kit PG2205. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.