Configuring Authorization Rules Context Table 1-36 describes authorization parameters that can be set locally during local authorization configuration. Table 1-36 Local authorization parameters Authorization Parameter Usage Scenario Description VLAN VLAN-based authorization is easy to deploy and mainten...
Configuring Authorization Rules Context Table 1-36 describes authorization parameters that can be set locally during local authorization configuration. Table 1-36 Local authorization parameters Authorization Parameter Usage Scenario Description VLAN VLAN-based authorization is easy to deploy and mainte...
Setup and configuration issues Performance issues of Process Pooling in ML Services (R and Python) R script execution issues Python script execution issues Show 2 more Applies to:SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later versions Important The support for Machine Learning Server (previously known as R Se...
RADIUS server:A server that is responsible for receiving user connection requests, authenticating the user, and then returning all configuration information necessary for the client to deliver service to the user. A RADIUS server can act as a proxy client to other RADIUS servers or other kinds of...
MSFT_NetNatTransitionConfiguration class (Windows) resources (in policyComments) (Windows) Minimal Server Interface for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 (Windows) Button Controls Opening Queues Offline How Associations Work PathFigureCollection.System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Window...
run schools run the configuration run through tunnels run to seed run with it like this run zhu run meros runja run-bin cai run-down run-jin liu run-lan cai run-length codingrlc run-length compressio run-shan liu run-xia liu runa runacross runasservice runaway blues runaway breakdown ...
Add to your configuration.yaml: logger:default:infologs:custom_components.dahua:debug Curl/HTTP commands #Stream eventscurl -s --digest -u admin:$DAHUA_PASSWORD"[All]&heartbeat=5"#List IVS ruleshttp://
Applications can be extended without any restrictions by adding unique business rules. The unique architecture of Rintagi allows it to rejuvenate the applications it builds while rejuvenating itself. The platform requires low maintenance and adapts easily to changing technology and business requirements. Ta...
Before manually performing an active and standby switchover, make sure the configuration of the active MPU has been backed up to the standby MPU. If the manual switchover takes place during the backup process, the switchover fails and the system...
APs in an AP group use the configuration of the group. By default, all APs belong to the system-defined AP group default-group. The system-defined AP group cannot be created or deleted. You can configure AP grouping rules by AP names, serial IDs...