reasonable competitiv reasonable charges reasonable error reasonable meaning reasonableness of a s reasonably arranging reasoned decision mak reasoning and proof reasons for leaving e reasons to set up a m reassociatie reat of life reattempt reaumurs thermometer reauthentication time reautocrat rebanada ...
reflection coefficien reflection copyreflex reflection of light reflection of meaning reflection of th reflection oscillator reflection principle reflection space reflection survey reflectioncataract hq reflectioncrosstalk reflectiondigitaldens reflections in deep b reflections on streng reflective printing p reflecti...
The meaning of DISCIPLINE is control gained by enforcing obedience or order. How to use discipline in a sentence. The Root and Meanings of Discipline Synonym Discussion of Discipline.
TABLE 3-14 details each of the -xarch keywords on x86 platforms. The default on x86 is generic if -xarch is not specified. TABLE 3-14 -xarch Values for x86 Platforms -xarch= Meaning (x86) generic Compile for good performance on most 32-bit x86 platforms. This is the default,...
在因果推断中,有向无环图 (Directed Acyclic Graph, DAGs)可以帮助我们可视化处理变量与结果变量之间的数据生成过程及其相关假设。例如,图 1 中的 DAG 展示了处理变量(数学夏令营 Math camp)与结果变量(期末成绩 Final grade) 之间数据生成过程的所有影响因素。其中,“GRE 数学成绩” (GRE quantitative) 和“本科 ...
(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi)) ## How to combine "math" and numeric variables : plot(1:10, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", main = "plot math & numbers") theta <- 1.23 ; mtext(bquote(hat(theta) == .(theta)), line= .25) for(i in 2:9) text(i, i+1, substitute(...
meaning ['mēning] n. 意思,含意meat [mēt] n. (猪、牛、羊等的)肉medical ['medik(2)l] a. 医学的,医疗的medicine [ˈmedsn] medium n. n. 药 媒体;中间的,中等的meet [mēt] (met, met) vt. n. 遇见,见到 会;集会meeting ['mēting] n. 会;集会;会见;汇合点member ['memb2] n. ...
Moscow on the other hand, has denied the accusation and that they were not responsible for Navalny’s poisoning by way of a Novichok agent. ‘Novichok in Russia, while meaning newcomer, also refers to nerve-attack substances invented during the Cold War and used by the Soviet Union. They ar...
(2003, January 3). Newborn neurons search for meaning. Science, 299, 32–34. Barkin, Shari, Scheindlin, Benjamin, Ip, Edward H., Richardson, Irma, & Finch, Stacia. (2007). Determinants of parental disci- pline practices: A national sample from primary care practices. Clinical Pediatrics,...
a. The element that carries the main component of meaning in a word and provides the basis from which a word is derived by adding affixes or inflectional endings or by phonetic change. b. Such an element reconstructed for a protolanguage. Also called radical. 8. Mathematics a. A number ...