options(scipen=999) # 关闭科学记数法,如 1e+48 library(ggplot2) theme_set(theme_bw()) # 设置 theme_bw()为默认主题. data("midwest", package = "ggplot2") # 导入数据 # midwest <- read.csv("http://goo.gl/G1K41K") # 数据源 # Scatterplot gg <- ggplot(midwest, aes(x=area, y...
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Use ggplot2 to generate a beautiful static plot! ee_nc_rain%>% pivot_longer(-NAME,names_to="month",values_to="pr") %>% mutate(month,month=gsub("PP_","",month)) %>% ggplot(aes(x=month,y=pr,group=NAME,color=pr))+geom_line(alpha=0.4)+xlab("Month")+ylab("Precipitation (mm)...
[Un]MuteMic - macOS app to mute & unmute the input volume of your microphone. Perfect for podcasters. eqMac2 - System-Wide Equalizer for the Mac. fre:ac - The fre:ac audio converter project. iTunes-Volume-Control - This app allows you to control the iTunes volume using volume up...
This is one of the best R programming tutorials that help you master programming in R and R studio with live examples. You will learn data analytics, data science, statistical analysis, packages, functions, GGPlot2. More than 96,000 students have taken this Udemy R course. The course does ...
fits=lapply(models,fit.KM.NMA) 4.3 拟合度检验 在模型拟合过程中,R语言会给出相应的AIC值,使用lapply函数可生成全部拟合模型AIC值。data.frame函数进一步将AIC值整理成可视矩阵。 aics=lapply(fits, AIC) data.frame(AIC=round(unlist(aics), 2)) 根据赤池原则,AIC值越小表明模型拟合效果越佳。结果表明,二...
zEguMV8ICSD4h6o47UZKSCAxDRFOr+R8OFzHS9NDG1eKmbSLineBVnRBPeF3Br1ocjpYXXoSLIjB k8r9cXoz3VLMhUvwSnsCZkwE3g9IBNpyE4Zkeg/Rkp04ksHIhUNR9XlCjJqSuIhQ4+sVM2Utrlfq bsL09Vyp2iT0hDpqzSkfNwzPqsQIB0YbRbRbuWBV5b6YUB+8lFU0pMM/yWxJ51M4Jlj0rGF8mbit gq6MNvdK56hc5BBWsC8cYxkVmpmRZgG7TVxjxp9...
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