The International Partnership (132744KYSB20160005) and the 100 Talents programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (both to Y.D.J.) are also acknowledged. This paper is dedicated to Prof. O. Gerel on occasion of her 75th birthday.
I OT|APTER Vrr I rnE stcNtFtcANcE I OF BTOLOCTCAL RADTATTONS rN Brolocy. JI MEDICINE AND AGRICULTURE A. LrtrrCEr,LItLA-R OROAr\ISMS JI (l) Emission at Diffe #ffi;#,i,:'ffi",i'j,'f"*",i;,j:n,u ilniJ"1i;" I "".IJ I I II I J"*"i.I I , i' il ;;' nga...