x60;summarise()` has grouped output by ‘X’. You can override using the .groups argument. Don’t know how to automatically pick scale for object of type standardGeneric. Defaulting to continuous. Error: ‘\U’ used without hex digits in character string starting “”C:\U” Error: `data`...
如果是字符串直接报错message("Error: invalid 'type' (character) of argument")}elseif(is.numeric(...
Error in .Primitive("sum")("I am a string", ...) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument > rapply(lst2, sum, classes=c('integer'), deflt=-1, how='unlist')a.aa a.ab b.ba 15 40 -1 > rapply(lst2, nchar, classes=c('character'), deflt=as.integer(NA), how='unlist')...
Error in.Primitive("sum")("I am a string", ...) : invalid'type'(character) of argument > rapply(lst2, sum, classes=c('integer'), deflt=-1, how='unlist')a.aa a.ab b.ba1540-1> rapply(lst2, nchar, classes=c('character'), deflt=as.integer(NA), how='unlist') a.aa a....
在使用naiveBayes函数时报错:Error in sum(x) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument 我们看一下官方文档,对data有这样一句描述: data Either a data frame of predictors (categorical and/or numeric) or a contingency table. data是一个数字类型的数据框。
Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument > #lapply函数 > #对列表使用函数,返回值为列表 > l1<-list(v<-1:10,m<-matrix(1:20,4)) > l1 [[1]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [[2]]
If the value of the argument getDTD is TRUE and the document refers to a DTD via a top-level DOCTYPE element, the DTD and its information will be available in the dtd field. The second element is a list containing the external and internal DTDs. Each of these contains 2 lists - one...
invalid'type'(character) of argument > rapply(lst2, sum, classes=c('integer'), deflt=-1, how='unlist')a.aa a.ab b.ba 15 40 -1 > rapply(lst2, nchar, classes=c('character'), deflt=as.integer(NA), how='unlist') a.aa a.ab b.ba ...
setClass("WeightHistory",#派生representation(height="numeric",name="character"),contains="TimeSeries") 现在我们来创建一个WeightHistory类的对象,来储存AlexDannel的体重数据 代码语言:javascript 复制 AlexDannel<-new("WeightHistory",data=c(120,118,119,123,121,119),start=as...
log if TRUE the logarithm of absdPsi is returned. is.log.t if TRUE the argument t contains the logarithm of the “mathematical” , i.e., conceptually, psi(t, *) psi(log(t), *, is.log.t TRUE), where the latter may potentially be numerically accurate, e.g., for , where as ...