qx::QxSqlQuery // 类 qx_query ; qx::dao::execute_query() // 方法 ; qx::dao::call_query() // 方法.使用qx::QxSqlQuery有两种方式使用qx::QxSqlQuery● 手动编写SQLvoid selectData() { qx::QxSqlQuery query("WHERE t_person.first_name = :first_name"); ...
daoError11 = qx::dao::execute_query(in_query, in_userList); qAssert(! daoError11.isValid()); qAssert(in_userList.count() > 0); qx::dump(in_userList); // 查询一定年龄段的集合记录【使用QxOrm】 in_userList.clear(); int age1 = 20, age2 = 25; qx_query in_query1; in_quer...
qx_queryin_query("select * from user where age>=20 and age<=25"); daoError11 = qx::dao::execute_query(in_query, in_userList);qAssert(! daoError11.isValid());qAssert(in_userList.count() >0); qx::dump(in_userList); AI代码助手复制代码 有图有真相。执行前: 执行后:(并不需要...
* \return Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query * * qx::dao::update_by_query<T>() execute following SQL query : * UPDATE my_table SET my_column_1 = ?, my_column_2 = ?, etc...
UserList in_userList; qx_query in_query("select * from user where age>=20 and age<=25"); daoError11 = qx::dao::execute_query(in_query, in_userList); qAssert(! daoError11.isValid()); qAssert(in_userList.count() > 0); qx::dump(...
[QxOrm] qx::QxSqlDatabase : create new database connection in thread '3616' with key '{d315250c-b5c9-46e0-9402-f800368a6673}' [QxOrm] sql query (78 ms) : CREATE TABLE drug (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT, desc TEXT) [QxOrm] sql query (63 ms) : ...
(author_2);// 修改记录名称author_1.m_name="jishufeng";daoError=qx::dao::save(author_1);// 通过id进行查询author author_4;author_4.m_id="author_id_1";daoError=qx::dao::fetch_by_id(author_4);qDebug()<<"fetch name-->"<<author_4.m_name;// 通过sql语句进行查询qx_query_Sql(...
QxOrm library - C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM (Object Document Mapper) library - Official repository - QxOrm/changes.txt at master · QxOrm/QxOrm
from /home/kevin/DATA/libraries/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlQuery.h:69, from /home/kevin/DATA/libraries/QxOrm/include/QxDao/IxPersistable.h:46, from /home/kevin/DATA/libraries/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDaoAsync.h:57, from /home/kevin/DATA/libraries/QxOrm/build/QxOrm_autogen/F7OC57DVQE/moc_...
- Provide more details in logs after executing a SQL query : time to execute query in database + time to fetch C++ instances - Support std::optional<T> (if your compiler supports C++17 features) to manage NULL database value : new header available named ...