同质透心地板 2mm*2m*20m(H*W*L) pvc HPF-LE-1011 YY-2219 朗悦-11商品详情 评价 分类:地板 商品规格:2MM*2M*20M(H*W*L) 商品型号:朗星-10 商品名称:同质透心地板 材质:pvc 颜色:HPF-LX-1010 商品号:162301030022 生产周期:20天智能客服 购物车 询价篮 我的 订单 拍照识别 ...
PURPOSE:To improve measuring accuracy, by performing a coloring part measurement (measurement A) based on attached moisture included in snow particles from the beginning and a coloring part measurement (measurement B) based on melting of the snow particles after the moisture is removed by using one...