321mh.com, getuserinfo-globalapi.zymk.cn, ios.fuliapps.com, vsco.co, api.vnision.com, *.my10api.com, sp.kaola.com, r.inews.qq.com, apple.fuliapps.com, newdrugs.dxy.cn, app101.avictown.cc, api.hlo.xyz, api.ijo.xyz, www.luqijianggushi.com, account.wps.*, u.kanghuayun.com...
go-trigger - Go-lang global event triggerer, Register Events with an id and trigger the event from anywhere from your project. goback - Go simple exponential backoff package. godaemon - Utility to write daemons. godropbox - Common libraries for writing Go services/applications from Dropbox....
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 使用HTTPS 协议时,命令行会出现如下账号密码验证步骤。基于安全考虑,Gitee 建议配置并使用私人令牌替代登录密码进行克隆、推送等操作 Username for 'https://gitee.com': userName ...
This check shows the global rank of the requested site. This is only accurate for websites which are in the top 100 million list. We're using data from the Tranco project (see below), which collates the top sites on the web from Umbrella, Majestic, Quantcast, the Chrome User Experienc...
IMGUI_API double GetTime(); // get global imgui time. incremented by io.DeltaTime every frame. IMGUI_API int GetFrameCount(); // get global imgui frame count. incremented by 1 every frame. IMGUI_API ImDrawListSharedData* GetDrawListSharedData(); // you may use this when creati...
$ git config --global user.name " " $ git config --global user.email " " 4、忽略文件 创建一个名为.gitignore的特殊文件,在其中添加不想追踪的文件名。 5、初始化仓库 $ git init 6、连接远程仓库 $ git remote add origin git@gitlab.com:NARUTOyou/test.git ...