《Qx Calculate》是一款免费医疗软件,主要提供临床计算器和医疗服务提供者的决策支持工具。以下是该应用的主要功能: 1. 提供弗雷明汉和雷诺兹风险评分工具,帮助医护人员评估患者的心血管疾病风险。 2. 支持CHADS2评分,用于评估患者是否需要抗凝治疗来预防中风。 3. 包含计算器医学的多个分支,如药物剂量计算器、肾功能评...
data=qec.generate_random_bit_flips(Hz.shape[1], p) # Calculate which syndromes are flagged syndrome=Hz@data%2 # Decode syndromes to determine predicted observables result=decoder.decode(syndrome) data_prediction=np.array(result.result, dtype=np.uint8) predicted_observable=observable@da...
Qx Calculate最新版截图 你*喜欢的免费医疗软件,现在在Android上。 临床计算器和医疗服务提供者的决策支持工具。 弗雷明汉和雷诺兹风险评分,CHADS2等等。 包含计算器医学的许多分支,多来! QxMD执业医护专业人员创造了领先的工具。 以上描述中存在违反广告法的内容,自动用*代替 ...
Qx Calculate 评论 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 查看更多 热门应用 快手极速版 番茄免费小说 搜狐视频 狼人杀 腾讯视频 爱看书免费小说 来疯 春秋航空 番茄畅听 Keep 淘车车 腾讯手机管家 飞猪旅行 前程无忧51Job 优酷视频 同程旅行 58同城 易车汽车报价 网易有道词典 凤凰新闻 热门游戏 光·遇 第...
# Calculate which syndromes are flagged syndrome=Hz@data%2 # Decode syndromes to determine predicted observables result=decoder.decode(syndrome) data_prediction=np.array(result.result, dtype=np.uint8) predicted_observable=observable@data_prediction%2 ...
Calculate the savings you could make as a lender using the Ranqx platform. Calculate Lender Savings Here’s what a customer says “We partnered with the Ranqx Digital Lending Platform to expand and streamline our small business lending capability. Ranqx accelerated us to live in market faster ...
I'll just get to the point. It does what I want, namely calculate, in nice large readable type. Pay the 99 cents, you won't regret it! ssotoo,2013/03/11 Great calculator Perfect when I use % all in one screen I don't have to flip the phone to get % key. ...
(T12_DC_INC * Ramp_Cntr); // Calculate new Ramp Value CCU6_EnableST_T12(); // Enable the T12 Shadow Transfer CCU6_Ch1_Value_Set(LS_ON); // Turn opposite LS Switch ON CCU6_Ch0_Value_Set(DC_Set); // Set new duty cycle in shadow register for Ch1 BDRV_Set_Bridge(Ch_LS_PWM, ...
Learn which electronic components are required and how to use them to drive an AC or DC motor. Learn how to calculate electrical torque of a BLDC and how to drive it with a control loop. Get an overview about the basic principle of field oriented control (FOC)....
Attachments are accessible only for community members. Log in Translation_Bot Community Manager PCB 设计是带有放大组件的示例板,以处理电压和电流容量。 固件在关闭时使用 200 mS 20Kz pwm。 打开时为 400 mS pwm,关闭后转换为制动模式,同时两个高端 MosFets 均静态启用。