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Porphyrin〣ased Thin〧ilm Molecular Materials with Highly Adjustable Nanoscale Porosity and Permeability Characteristicsdoi:10.1002/(SICI)1521-3773(19990802)38:15<2222::AID-ANIE2222>3.0.COSuzanne BélangerJoseph T. HuppWiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company...
The Financial Crisis of the Local Authorities in Israel: A Resource〣ased Analysis The financial crisis affecting many of the local authorities in Israel has a significant influence on their ability to supply municipal services of an appr... A Carmeli,A Cohen - 《Public Administration》 被引量...
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sed命令解释: s/re/string用string替换正则表达式re。 g获得内存缓冲区的内容,并替代当前模板块中的文本。 ;如果在一行中有多个命令,要用分号隔开。 使用tr命令将trkh.txt文件的空行删除 解决方法: tr -s ['\n']<trkh.txt 关于tr命令: 通过使用 tr,可以非常容易地实现 sed 的许多最基本功能。可以将 tr ...