Also addressing similar errors such as QtGui/QDialog file not found. All of these are because Qt5 moved these widgets from QtGui to QtWidgets. A Qt5-specific change would be to switch to #include<QtWidgets/QWidget>#include<QtWidgets/QDialog> ...
vscode运行html文件(这里介绍一下,vscode里面不能新建文件夹,所以可以在外面创建文件夹,在vscode里面打开) 1、在没有安装任何插件的时候,运行项目时抛出一个错误:Codelanguage not supported or defined.解决办法: File -》 Preference -》 Settings 设置好后,异常解决,但是还是无法在浏览器中 ...
:4:10: fatal error: 'QWidget' file not found ^当我这样做时,它给了我一个权限错误,我猜它编译了一个已经存在的对象。] Error 1 这是它的位置:/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.1/ 浏览2提问于2015-05-26得票数 0 1回答 将QWidget或其他QWidget派生控件添加到QWindow中 、、 QtGUI和QtWidgets已在Qt5...
followed by "conda update spyder". I installed PyQtChart 5.12, PyQtDataVisualization, and some other PyQt5 components after taht. PyQtDataVisualization would not complete the installation due to a "file permissions error". I tried it again from an Administrator console with the correct...
folder=os.path.dirname(self.data_file)ifnotos.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) 开发者ID:ckorn,项目名称:livestreamer-ui,代码行数:80,代码来源 示例12: foo ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from PySide.QtGui import QWidget [as 别名]# 或者: from PySide.QtGui.QWidget importsh...
self.updateActions()ifnotself.fitToWindowAct.isChecked(): self.imageLabel.adjustSize() self.setWindowFilePath(self._parent.fileName)returnTruedefzoomIn(self):self.scaleImage(1.25)defzoomOut(self):self.scaleImage(0.8)defnormalSize(self):self.imageLabel.adjustSize() ...
If you set the file path, but have not set the window title, Qt sets the window title to contain a string created using the following components.On Mac OS X:The file name of the specified path, obtained using QFileInfo::fileName().On Windows and X11:...
2019-12-11 15:30 −背景: Centos6.8服务器升级php版本,从7.1升级到7.3,常用扩展都安装完成之后,报:Class 'ZipArchive' not found。一看就是zip扩展没有,需要手动安装了。 中间一步步,一会说autoconf版本过低,一会说libzip版本过低,又说cmake版本过低, 安装:... ...
Not really. Those are the banners and notes, as you can see in screenshots in I want is the notification bubble. Sadly anyway I just found didn’t implement correctly the ...
qDebug() << TIMEMS << "audio codec not found"; return false; } //打开音频解码器 result = avcodec_open2(audioCodec, audioDecoder, NULL); result = avcodec_open2(audioCodecCtx, audioCodec, NULL); if (result < 0) { qDebug() << TIMEMS << "open audio codec error"; return false;...