课程长度:3 年 full time 开学时间:2月/7月/Year 学费:$29,000澳币/Year 校区:Gardens Point CRICOS Code: 083020J 入学要求:A completed recognised non-law bachelor degree (or equivalent) with a minimum grade point average (GPA) score of 4.00 (on QUT's 7 point scale) 语言要求: 截取于QUT官网...
A completed recognised bachelor degree in any discipline with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 4.5 (on QUT's 7-point scale); and a GMAT score of at least 550; and a minimum three years full-time equivalent relevant managerial or professional work experience post-degree; and you mus...
使用您所在位置的偏角,并相应地进行适当的更改。 重要提示:MSP-EXP430G2 TI Launchpad的SCL和SDA分别位于引脚14(P1_6)和15(P1_7)上。Energia IDE利用基于软件的I2C实现(twi_sw)为MSP-EXP430G2 TI Launchpad。这种基于软件的I2C实现通过引脚9(P2_1)和10(P2_2)定义为SCL和SDA引脚。因此,我们需要将这些引脚...
7. Is it possible to do ODM or OEM for us?We would like to do so. Let us know your definite requirements including grease color and dropping point etc. If necessary, provide us with your samples, that will be helpful for us to do test. Send your m...
1) AG7 cell, alkaline button cell, button cell, button battery, button cells, alkaline cell, button cell battery, LR927, 399A2) Brand: TIANQIU3) Nominal Voltage: 1.5V4) Average Weight: 0.7g5) Nominal Capacity: 38mAh6) Test Condition: 6.5KΩ Load resistan...