"Allah is not ashamed of giving a parable ofa mosquitoe and what is above it being like the Believers, so that they would know that It (i.e., the Quran) is the Truth from their GOD(Luke 2:52:GODforgaveJesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). And as for the disbelievers, they...
Let us look what Allah Almighty said about the Universe in the Noble Quran: "Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: 'Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly.' They said: 'We do come (together), in willing ...
May Allah (SWT) bless you for embracing our app and finding it convenient. JazakAllah Khair! more Diloxxx , 12/28/2023 Awesome!!! I love the app, especially as a beginner learning more about Islam! The app is easy to navigate and NO ADS! It’s a must try for everyone who’s...
“The Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said to Bilal ibn al-Harith (may Allah be well pleased with him): “Know.” He submitted: “O Messenger of Allah! What should I know?” He said: “Know, O Bilal.” He submitted: “O Messenger of Allah! What should I know?
“Nobody should narrate the knowledge of Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) except the reliable authorities.” [Related by Muslim in al-Muqaddima (preface) to his as-Sahih, vol. 1, p. 15.] Furthermore, al-Imam Muslim quotes from amir al-mu’minin fi’l-hadith ‘...
(PBUT) life as depicted by the Quran. I have yet to fully explore the app; and full disclosure, I’m only about 30 minutes into using it. Which should speak volumes to how well it is designed. I’m thrilled to be using this app Alhamdulillah, and may Allah bless each and ...
Will he go to heaven or hell? The complete knowledge of all things is with Allah alone. No scientist in the world, no matter how advanced his equipment, will ever be able to accurately determine the knowledge of these things about the child in the mother’s womb. ...
Kimball Absolute Truth Quotes The lines can get blurred in these situations leading to uncertainty in what is even being fought for. Declaring a “holy” war is a direct sign of a corrupt religion. Most religions are about peace and love not violence. These wars are often used for revenge ...
The real men whom we are talking about are those whom Allah describes when He says, “And the slave of the Most-Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of ...
These are 100 best verily quotes and short verily slogans to inspire you. Read and share famous verily quotes about verily in the remembrance of allah, verily quran, verily with hardship comes ease