Siin-Fa-Ha: Musafihin: مسافحین : Saffaah = سفّاح : Shedder of Blood; Killer; Murderer. Safaha: to shed/flow, outpoured/spilled, he shed blood ; to stretch/extend; musafihun - one who commits fornication or adultery, take unlawfully (women). saffaha...
Under the Shiah law, a woman against whom a proceeding by laan (li'an) has taken place on the ground of her adultery, and who is thereby divorced from her husband, cannot under any circumstance re-marry him. The Shaiais and Malikis agree in this opinion with the Shiahs. The Hanafis...
The Chapter of the Ascents.An unbeliever mockingly calls for a judgment on himself and his companions. The terrors of the Judgment Day. Man's ingratitude. Adultery denounced. Certainty of the Judgment Day. CHAPTER CIX. Suratu 'l-Kafirun. The Chapter of the Misbelievers.The...