This page consists of Tafseer of 30th Para. Tafseer for Kids- Eng + Urdu Tafseer for Kids- Eng-Urdu This page consists of Tafseer and a Translation of the Qur’an for kids in English and Urdu Kitab ut Tahaarah Kitab ut Taharah Kitab-ut-Taharah deals with video lessons with different top...
● Four Urdu translations (For 1st Juz/para only in free version): Mutfi Mahmood Hasan, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Maulana Ahmed Ali Lahori, Maulana Fateh Muhammad Jalandhari along with the specially featured Urdu Tafsir Usmani (juz 1 only for free version). Full version has four English tran...