Allah(سبحانه و تعالى) has revealed the stories of Prophets in the Holy Qur’an with the purpose of us benefiting from it. Let us learn from them, take lessons from them, and strive hard to apply them in our lives. Tafseer Para 30 Tafseer Para 30 This... 新内容 2025年1月8日 版本7.1 Thank you for using Quran Pak app. We are constantly trying to improve and update the app to give you best Quran experience. This update includes performance enhancements and bug fixes. Please give 5 star ratings review if yo...
2. While reciting Quran from Paras, number of Ayats in the Para should be added in addition to Ayat count for the Surah. 3. In the recitation tab, option to download compete Surah/ Para should be added and recitation should continue without stopping at each Ayat. Moreover, one time audio...
Now just by one click you can also listen to any Surah/Para of the Quran. By clicking on the play option, a particular Surah/Para will be downloaded. Once downloaded, user can play and listen to that Surah/Parah any time. 5)Background Play Option: ...
Abdullah bin Mas’ud: Pemimpin Para Penghafal Al Quran (4) Abdullah bin Mas’ud: Pemimpin Para Penghafal Al Quran (3) Abdullah bin Mas’ud: Pemimpin Para Penghafal Al Quran (2) Abdullah bin Mas’ud: Pemimpin Para Penghafal Al Quran (1) Perkembangan Studi Mukjizat Al Quran Sepanjang ...
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- Five (5) Different Arabic Fonts - Five (5) Different Urdu Fonts - Ability to show/hide Para Information Do read and benefit from this app in shaa Allah and help us spread the message of Islam to as many people as possible.
1548. Maksudnya di neraka Jahanam ada suatu tempat yang dari tempat itu para penjaga neraka mengintai dan mengawasi isi neraka. 显示其他翻译 阿拉伯语经注: المُيسَّر السعدي البغوي ابن كثير الطبري ...
- Five (5) Different Urdu Fonts - Ability to show/hide Para Information Do read and benefit from this app in shaa Allah and help us spread the message of Islam to as many people as possible. 新内容 2021年11月20日 版本1.0.1
2016年5月27日 版本1.3 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. ◉ Fixed in-app purchase bug ◉ Audio recitation can now be used in our other Quran apps App 隐私 开发者Pakistan Data Management Services尚未向 Apple 提供其隐私惯例和数据处理相关的详细信息。