3. “My teens are all Billy Bad Asses… Until the power goes out. Then they’re shrieking 5-year-olds running through the house like it’s on fire.”–Lady Lawya 4. “My middle schooler has a hydro flask but no cool stickers to put on it. Please respect our privacy during this d...
Each time a person passes by you and you say ‘hello’, imagine that person turning into a candle. The more positivity, love and light you reflect, the more light is mirrored your way. Sharing beautiful hellos is the quickest way to earn spiritual brownie points. You should start seeing h...
Share your favorite 60th birthday quotes with us in the comments, or share your thoughts on turning 60. Do you agree or disagree with the quotes above?
38. “Pursue the enquiry ‘Who am I?’ relentlessly. Analyse your entire personality. Try to find out where the I-thought begins. Go on with your meditations. Keep turning your attention within. One day the wheel of thought will slow down and an intuition will mysteriously arise. Follow th...
I’m not afraid to be called a loser, because I can accept that’s what I am, but I am afraid of turning my back on something that actually made me happy for the first time in my sorry life.”– Finn Hudson 12. “Life only really has one beginning and one end, and the rest ...
Make this Ramadan the turning point in your life. break free from the deceptions of this world and indulge in the sweetness of EEMAN. 3 awesome tips for the last 10 days of Ramadan Give 1 dinar to charity every day, so if it falls on Llaylatul Qadr, it’s as if you gave charity ...
“What do dogs do on their day off? Can’t lie around – that’s their job.”– George Carlin “I don’t understand people who don’t touch their pets. Their cat or dog is called a pet for a reason.”– Jarod Kintz “If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not ...
“Life has to go on even when you don’t want it to or when you feel unable to participate. The world doesn’t stop turning for anyone.”—Stewart Stafford “Suppose you stop writing, painting, believing in God, whatever your obsession is. Won’t you survive? Won’t you find something...
...after my first feeling of revulsion had passed, I spent three of the most entertaining and instructive weeks of my life studying the fascinating molds which appeared one by one on the slowly disintegrating mass of horse-dung. Microscopic molds are both very beautiful and absorbingly ...
I even have a superstition that has grown on me as the result of invisible hands coming all the time—namely that if you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you. ...