If you and I have an agreement and you screwed me over badly, you've always got in the back of your mind the nagging worry that I'm going to show up on your doorstep with a club and kill you. Because of that, people don't tend to screw each other too much, right? At least,...
Rachel is looking back on going to London, she thinks it’s stupid…we won’t comment. But the fun doesn’t stop, she allows Phoebe to make all of her decisions from now on. It’s a little too much for her to handle though, so Monica takes the role, instead. We can’t help bu...
86. “Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished – If you’re alive it isn’t.”– Richard Bach 87. “We are all here on earth tohelp others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.”– W. H. Auden 88. “The road to success is dotted ...
“Thinking too much just brings it back to me, me, me—but thanking takes my eyes off myself and my mistakes and puts them on others, on things bigger than myself. I can’t stand here very long without being humbled at how small I am and amazed at how big and beautiful our world...
Mistress: Directed by Barry Primus. With Robert Wuhl, Martin Landau, Vasek Simek, Thomas R. Voth. This self-effacing comedy about film industry blues stars Robert Wuhl and Martin Landau as a writer/producer duo who must deal with the increasingly fickle
Naked: Directed by Mike Leigh. With David Thewlis, Lesley Sharp, Katrin Cartlidge, Greg Cruttwell. An unemployed Mancunian vents his rage on unsuspecting strangers as he embarks on a nocturnal London odyssey.
“If music be the food of love, play on.”—William Shakespeare “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”—William Shakespeare Shakespeare quotes about love “I am one who loved not wisely but too well.”—Shakespeare “They do not love that do not show their love.”—Shakespeare ...
There's Something About Mary: Directed by Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly. With Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon, Ben Stiller, Lee Evans. A man gets a chance to meet up with his dream girl from high school, even though his date with her back then was a complete
We've been living on a high, they've been talking on the low. But it's cool, know you heard it all before. —Drake 23 They talk. We live. Who cares what they say? —Jay-Z 47 Problem talk creates problems, Solution talk creates solutions. —Steve de Shazer ...
Famous Movie Quotes on Everyday Power. Here are some of the best movie quotes to inspire, motivate, and make you laugh. Enjoy!