Zen in the twentieth century is about taking things that have been rendered invisible by this process and trying to make them visible again.Thomas Kuhn: Reflection on my Critics [Wikipedia's paraphrase] Kuhn expressed the opinion that his critics' readings of his book were so inconsistent with ...
Movement quotes on the importance of taking the initiative 101. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”– Mahatma Gandhi 102. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines...
But that man who sets himself the task of singling out the thread of order from the tapestry will by the decision alone have taken charge of the world and it is only by such taking charge that he will effect a way to dictate the terms of his own fate. Cormac McCarthy Tweet More ...
Most people wait until everything is just right before they do anything. They refuse to go out on a limb where the fruit is. They refuse to bet on themselves.Zig Ziglar Tweet More quotes about: risk initiative chance Those who wait until all the lights are on green before starting will ...
29. “Taking initiative is a form of self-empowerment.” —Stephen R. Covey Featured in:Focus On Yourself Quotes,Positive Motivation Quotes,Taking Action Quotes,Positive Short Quotes 30. “When you have too many top priorities, you effectively have no top priorities.” ...
Taking action requires letting go of the very thingyou have been holding on to for so many years.There is comfort in what we find familiar,even if we are experiencing pain and suffering.The pain and suffering itself becomes the familiarity we seek.It takes absolute faith in yourselfplus ...
It’s about taking the initiative to do work you decide is worth doing.” — Seth Godin 8 0 Download 10 Wallpapers 129. “It’s not an accident that successful people read more books.” — Seth Godin 8 0 Download 12 Wallpapers 130. “Busy does not equal important. Measured ...
Start On Your Goals And Focus Time Every Day To Work On Them 27.Track And Measure Your Progress Towards Achieving Your Goals 28.Always Do Your Absolute Best - Period! 29.Be Enthusiastic About Everything You Do! 30.Be Proactive, Take Initiative, ...
These quotes emphasize that responsibility is not only about completing tasks but also about making wise decisions and taking initiative. They encourage us to be proactive in our lives, to take control of our circumstances, and to learn from our mistakes. Responsibility quotes serve as a constant...
initiative Those who wait until all the lights are on green before starting will never leave home.Zig Ziglar Tweet More quotes about: risk initiative chance Some people think they have bad luck when the real problem is that they took bad chances.Thomas Sowell ...