single quote- a single quotation mark double quotes- a pair of quotation marks scare quote- the use of quotation marks to indicate that it is not the authors preferred terminology Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
40. It was a portion of my own self-analysis, my reaction to my father’s death—that is to say, to the most important event, the most poignant loss of a man’s life.”—Sigmund Freud Loss Of A Father Quotes On A Father’s Impact The Quotes below do a great job of showing how...
Quotes about losing a loved one to help us move on 11. “We never truly get over a loss, but we can move forward and evolve from it.”—Elizabeth Berrien 12. “When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.”― Madeline Miller 13. “Don’t cry ...
The high rate of unemployment among teenagers, and especially black teenagers, is both a scandal and a serious source of social unrest. Yet it is largely a result of minimum wage laws. We regard the minimum wage law as one of the most, if not the most, anti-black laws on the statute ...
Children that are raised in a home with a married mother and father consistently do better in every measure of well-being than their peers who come from divorced or step-parent, single-parent, cohabiting homes. — Todd Tiahrt 43 One of the greatest thing a father can do for his children ...
“To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.” ―Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest “Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.” ―Oscar Wilde “There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is ...
“Healing,” Papa would tell me, “is not a science, but the intuitive art of wooing Nature.” — Wystan Hugh Auden From 'The Art of Healing' (1969), Epistle to a Godson: And Other Poems (1972), 7. (Auden’s father was a physician.) The memorial poem was written on the death ...
“A parent or a teacher has only his lifetime; a good book can teach forever.”—Louis L’Amour “There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”—Joseph Brodsky “I feel the need of reading. It is a loss to a man not to have grown up among books...
Work is very important to me, and it wouldn't be in the best interest of my children for me to stay home seven days a week. ~ Jane Pauley ~ In the beginning when I sat next to Tom Brokaw on the 'Today' show, the stories I was interested in were those having to do with ...
"Right into a Cave People Casserole for my ravenous dinosaurs!" "Time-out in the tongue department, Big Mouth! Bring on the clowns!" "I never knew Big Mouth had a sense of humor!" "I'll take that!" "Quick! Block the entrances!" "The dinosaurs are having YOU for dinner!" "Are ...