Of all the quotes you can see, the judgemental society quotes are the worst. These quotes make us feel horrible because they’re true. And perhaps this judgement has the strongest influence on us and our confidence. We talked in detail aboutdeveloping confidence. It is a hard enough exercise...
Don't let mistakes be so monumental, don't let your love be so confidential, don't let your mind be so darn judgemental, and please let your heart be more influential. Be thankful for all that the spirit provides and be thankful for all that you see without eyes. —Michael Franti 102...
Practice moment to moment non-judgemental awareness.- Jon Kabat-Zinn Manage through the uncertainties.Practice appropriate actions and participate in healthy choices.Value and celebrate the loyalty of the individuals around you:celebrate their competencies and successes, as well as your own.Build up you...
What Black Consciousness seeks to do is to produce real black people who do not regard themselves as appendages to white society. We do not need to apologise for this because it is true that the white systems have produced through the world a number of people who are not aware that they ...
I've been a vegetarian for years and years. I'm not judgemental about others who aren't, I just feel I cannot eat or wear living creatures. Drew Barrymore 0 0 Going back to Georgiana Drew and John Drew, and my great-grandfather Maurice Barrymore, and it was such a sort of circus of...
Practice moment to moment non-judgemental awareness.- Jon Kabat-Zinn All the suffering, stress, and addictioncomes from not realizing you already are what you are looking for.- Jon Kabat-Zinn If you really aren't trying to get anywhere else in this moment,patience takes care of itself.- Jo...
“Before offering love to anyone else, offer it to yourself. Before offering acceptance to anyone else, first offer it to yourself. Before being nonjudgemental of others, be nonjudgemental of yourself. You can only give the world what you have within.”– Thibaut ...
The judgemental description of some people being 'average' should not distract from the essential principle that good managers help other people to do great things.) "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." (Harry S Truman, 1884-1972, US President) ...
The happy birthday quotes andfunny birthday phrasesbelow celebrate the process of life unfolding as we get older, wiser and our mindset grows less rigid and judgemental. In this way these quotes are great for opening up the birthday person's consciousness to the possibilities that age brings rath...
50. “The dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.”— Thomas Edward Lawrence Dream big Next time you find yourself daydreaming, do not be so judgemental. Allow your mind time to process and work things out. ...