This is creation. All that is going on today, only men are blind to see it...They can not pause long enough to go out into the wilderness where God has provided every sparrow enough to eat and to spare, and contemplate for even an hour the wonderful world that they live in. You sa...
Some common themes that are woven throughout the nature quotes in English are the personal benefits of an outdoor experience. There are, however, several quotes that offer more philosophical thoughts on the benefits of being in nature. Here is our next section of Nature Captions and quotes, al...
( Albert Einstein - The Merging of Spirit and Science) I share the pantheist religion / philosophy of Albert Einstein that All is One and Interconnected (Nature, God), of which we humans are an inseparable part. Perhaps I am a romantic, but it is my hope that in the future Humanity wi...
Nature is my manifestation of God.I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day's work.- Frank Lloyd Wright Hold on... Joyfully.Holding-on does not have to bea desperate teeth-gritting kind of holding-on.Holding-on can be a joyful"this is just the nature of Life,so I may ...
Anything created by human beings is already in the great book of nature. The straight line belongs to men, the curved one to God. Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more energetic. ...
"this is just the nature of Life,so I may as well enjoy it"kind of holding-on.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie We see God face to face every hour,and know the savor of Nature.- Ralph Waldo Emerson What a book a devil's chaplain might writeon the clumsy, wasteful, blundering, low,and ...
Below is our collection of inspiring Stephen Hawkingquoteson the nature of life, science and religion, and the universe around us. Enjoy! You will also enjoy our article onscience quotes. Stephen Hawking quotes about himself Stephen Hawking has overcome many limitations in his life. ...
De rervm natvra - On the nature of things. (title of Marcus Aurelius's magnum opus) Decrevi - I have decreed Dei gratia - By the grace of God Delenda est carthago - Carthage must be destroyed Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit - The wolf attacks with his fang, the bull with his horn...
41. “The fog of adversity slows our pace from the hustle and bustle of life.”– David Byrd 42. “I believe a lot of our lives are spent asleep, and what I’ve been trying to do is hold on to those moments when a little spark cuts through the fog and nudges you.”– Rufus ...
We see God face to face every hour,and know the savor of Nature.- Ralph Waldo Emerson The Two Great Lessons of Life: Choose Love & Trust God.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie To know God, watch a butterfly return to the same tree -after a year and a thousand miles.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie...