24. “I became involved in employee recognition by working. Everyone that has a job is involved in recognition, either through giving recognition to their employees or by receiving recognition from their employer. The sad fact is that most of us have been on the non-receiving end.”– Christi...
50. “I think there are times as believers when we feel entitled and that life shouldn’t be hard. We live in this culture of convenience that says we can do everything ourselves and find all the answers on Google. But if we can learn to fall more in love with the Lord and trust ...
Let’s face it, its a new decade and employee recognition is as important as it ever has been for your employees and your business. “If organizations double the number of employees who receive recognition for their work on a weekly basis, they will experience a 24 percent improvement in ...
(A manager) once confided in me she liked to picture in her mind's eye that every employee was wearing one of those sandwich billboard signs. On the front side, the sign would read 'Appreciate Me' and on the back side 'Make Me Feel Important.' —James Hunter 14 Business and human ...
Talked about their employee recognition award of burning a plastic boat in their honor instead of an employee of the month Bill Demas talking about their pivot from an ad network to a self-service platform and how they had to let people go and hire new ones ...
This entry was posted in Latest New Update, Breaking News, Latest News and Current News and tagged Appreciation, culture, employee appreciation, Employee Engagement, Employee Recognition, engagement, human resources, Leadership, office fun, Performance, Performance Management, recognition, Recognition ...
“Research indicates that employees have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.”– Zig Ziglar “We can’t all be good at everything. This is partly the logic behind having a team in the first...
Also Read –11 Employee Recognition Quotes Every Leader Should Know Conclusion Andrew Tate’s quote encourages us to work hard and take risks to succeed. We are reminded to strive for greatness and to believe in ourselves. The wisdom of Tate teaches us that personal growth and mental strength ...
Emerson had it right with this one; we don’t know a good thing until it has passed. Often, we take the positives in our lives for granted. Perhaps it’s a kind boss who approves your desired holiday requests on time or an employee who is always ready for their work. In the US al...
We often lose hope on a goal when we don’t get immediate results or instant gratification. Persistence is as significant as hard work. Keep moving forward in the right direction until you reach your destination. Failure is so important. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure th...