Don't cut up your credit cards, the problem is not the cards, it's the lack of financial literacy of the person holding the cards and always make the best out of a bad situation — Robert Kiyosaki 9 Finance QuotesGod, how patient are Thy poor! These corporations and masters of manipula...
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Among those whom I could never pursuade to rank themselves with idlers, and who speak with indignation of my morning sleeps and nocturnal rambles, one passes the day in catching spiders, that he may count their eyes with a microscope; another exhibits the dust of a marigold separated from ...
When profit margins of a whole industry rise because of repeated price increases, the indication is not a good one for the long-range investor. —Philip Arthur Fisher 37 A rise of wages from this cause will, indeed, be invariably accompanied by a rise in the price of commodities; but in ...
Akeso's PD-1xVEGF dual antibody, Envafolimab, achieved the primary clinical endpoint of PFS in a head-to-head comparison with K drug for PD-L1(+)NSCLC 1L indication. Zhitong FinanceSep 16 09:46 The increase within the year reached 1123%! The cooperation between Chinese and American ...
—— 引自第1123页 It was 3: 30 P. M. on Monday, April 30, 1945, ten days after Adolf Hitler's fifty-sixth birthday, and twelve years and three months to a day since he had become Chancellor of Germany and had instituted the Third Reich. It would survive him but a week. (查看原...